Keskusteluille tarkoitettu alue. Keskustelujen luonti on vapaata, mutta katsothan ennen keskustelun aloittamista, onko foorumilla jo samankaltainen ”töpö” olemassa.
Muistetaan hyvät käytöstavat, eikä pyritä loukkaamaan ketään tieten tahtoen, pidetään kiroilu ja herjaus minimissä, huomioidaan kaikki keskustelussa ja vältetään turhia konflikteja. Pidetään yhdessä yllä rento, ystävällinen ja leppoisa ilmapiiri.

Valvojat: Crimson, Ivy, Agna

ViestiKirjoittaja Akselmo » 18 Joulu 2009, 19:31

Characters chosen:
Hun-Tra (with Tara)

En jaksa kirjottaa nimee erikseen joka kohtaan asd. Enkä jaksa kirjottaa englanniksi

1) How old are you?
25.. Tai 26..

2) Height?
Semmoset pari metriä.

3) You got any bad habits?
Ööh.. Kiroilu, kait.

4) You a virgin?
En kait kauaa. >8D

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
*Kisses Tara*

6) Have any kids?
Not yet.

7) Favorite food?
Kala ja lihasoppa.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Ice.. cream?

9) Killed anyone?
Kaikki ne jotka käy ensin päälle.

10) Hate anyone?

11) Any secrets?
Eipä oikeastaan.

12) Love anyone?
*kisses Tara again*

13) TACOS?**

14) Ever slept in all day?

15) Favorite show?**

16) Favorite movie?**

17) Favorite band?**

18) Eye Colors?
Ne vaihtelee.

19) Skin?
Green scales!

20) Fat/Average/Slim?

21) Rain, sunshine?

22) Pool, beach?
Ranta koska en tiedä mikä on allas.

23) Camping, staying home?

24) Dog, cat?

25) Believe in aliens?
No ei me kyllä ainoita voida olla.

26) Natural born, or clone?
Luonnollisesti, toisinkuin vanhempani.

27) Car or ship?**

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Eeh... Juu..

29) Any unusual things about you?
No se että olen liskoihminen. :D

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
3-5 krt.

31) Favorite place?

ViestiKirjoittaja Aksutar » 18 Joulu 2009, 21:47

Lol, tehäämpäs lisää ajankuluks.
Elkää välittäkö p*skasta enkusta ja typoista.

Characters Chosen:
Ada Wolfe
Alf Eregion

1) How old are you?

Ada Wolfe: Too old for you baby.
Alf Eregion: Old enough to fuck 8D
Lounatuuli: About 1000.. in human yrs.
Marduk: over 10 000... 10 460 to be exact
Sethos: Old. Damn old. Too old. Now leave me alone.
Darius: 450 yrs.
Samhaina: What ye gonna do whit that info?

2) Height?
Ada Wolfe: ... I dunno.
Alf Eregion: about 185... cm
Lounatuuli: I dunno >8O
Marduk: Who cares. Damn big if you need to know.
Darius: uumn.. about 190 cm
Samhaina: Taller than ye!

3) You got any bad habits?
Ada Wolfe: Oooh well, I like to kill ppls n stuff.. guess that's not bad?
Alf Eregion: LAA'AAID! Where da pretty girls and boys!?
Lounatuuli: Not really..
Marduk: MAWAHA! Still asking? Now tell me where the pretty ladys are.
Sethos: .... well guess i'm lil rude sometimes.
Darius: No. *cough*
Samhaina: Do we count eatin ppls n' playing whit their life? If not, then no.

4) You a virgin?
Ada Wolfe: Yes.
Alf Eregion: HEEEECK NO!
Lounatuuli: I don't see any reason to have sex if there isn't intention to make babies, so yes, i'm virgin.
Marduk: ...... Leeeets say if i were it was LOOOONG time agone.
Sethos: Yes!
Darius: Yup.
Samhaina: Samhaina hope she wouldn' be. ):

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Ada Wolfe: Don't really have one.. yet.. I guess... 8)
Alf Eregion: Boooze!
Lounatuuli: Don't have
Marduk: I don't need one
Sethos: >8'[
Darius: Don't have...
Samhaina: Still lookin the mon of ma dreams. Sweet, tasty dreams.

6) Have any kids?
Ada Wolfe: Nope.
Alf Eregion: I hope not..
Lounatuuli: Nope.
Marduk: No
Sethos: Nooo..
Darius: Not yet
Samhaina: Duh.

7) Favorite food?
Ada Wolfe: Blood?
Alf Eregion: Umnh... Meat, yeah. Like big BEEF whit bear. Yeah, that's what I like.
Lounatuuli: Everything goes.
Marduk: Souls!
Sethos: Dreams... nightmares..
Darius: I like turkey..
Samhaina: Yo mon! yo!

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Ada Wolfe: ... what was?
Alf Eregion: Eeew, ice..
Lounatuuli: ........
Marduk: Aaah.. the future nom nom. Not interested.
Sethos: ....what?
Darius: O_o'
Samhaina: Wut are ya talkin' bout, mon?

// Tiesikö kukaan et jäätelö keksittiin jo 1500-luvulla? Eli periaatteessa Cryptissäkin sitäkin vois olla... kaiketi... anyways //

9) Killed anyone?
Ada Wolfe: 8DDDDD
Alf Eregion: Yup.
Lounatuuli: Yeees
Marduk: Those girls just dies >: Can't help it!
Sethos: Yeees.
Darius: Yup.
Samhaina: *Grins*

10) Hate anyone?
Ada Wolfe: Oh yes i do. DAMN YOU BLACK!
Alf Eregion: Yup.
Lounatuuli: Yeees.
Marduk: Not really.. cuz i pretty much hate you all.
Sethos: Yees.
Darius: Noo.. not really.
Samhaina: Samhaina doesn' really hate. Me just dislike.

11) Any secrets?
Ada Wolfe: Oh yes.
Alf Eregion: Yup.
Lounatuuli: Noot really.
Marduk: YEEES.
Sethos: no >8[
Darius: Nope
Samhaina: Me know how to get to da spirit world, yes. *giggle snort giggle*

12) Love anyone?
Ada Wolfe: .. maaaybe 8D
Alf Eregion: Expect myself? no
Lounatuuli: Nope
Marduk: BAH! Love is humans feelings, stupid thing to dragon have. No!
Sethos: Noooooooooooope.
Darius: No.
Samhaina: Na'a.

13) TACOS?**
Ada Wolfe: K, now you starting to get weird.
Alf Eregion: ... Something to eat? YES PLZ.
Lounatuuli: Ô_Ó
Marduk: Fuuutureeeeehehe...
Sethos: ...... Tag?
Darius: *ignore*
Samhaina: Wut?

14) Ever slept in all day?
Ada Wolfe: C'mon, i'm vampire. I sleep at day time, always.
Alf Eregion: Yup. Hangoveer
Lounatuuli: Yes.
Marduk: I have slept like many yers, duh.
Sethos: I don't really need to sleep but yeah...
Darius: No.
Samhaina: Na'a.

15) Favorite show?**
Ada Wolfe: ......?
Alf Eregion: Strip show?
Lounatuuli: .....
Marduk: >_>
Sethos: *yawn*
Darius: *ignore*
Samhaina: .... Ookay, Is dat sum kind of new voodoo?

16) Favorite movie?**
Ada Wolfe: you're starting to piss me off.
Alf Eregion: ...... *ball scratch*
Lounatuuli: ....
Marduk: <___<
Sethos: ..... *yaaaawn*
Darius: ......
Samhaina: I wanna know more bout yer voodoo.

17) Favorite band?**
Ada Wolfe: Okay, that's it! *Da knife to the eye!*
Alf Eregion: ......
Lounatuuli: ....
Marduk: >___<
Sethos: *starts catching dreams*
Darius: .....
Samhaina: Is dat new kind of voodoo?

18) Eye Colors?
Ada Wolfe: Red
Alf Eregion: Brown
Lounatuuli: Blue
Marduk: Yellow
Sethos: Orange
Darius: Yellow
Samhaina: Orange!

19) Skin?
Ada Wolfe: Pale
Alf Eregion: Dark
Lounatuuli: I have white scales
Marduk: darkgrey scales
Sethos: ... i have fur...
Darius: normal.. lil pale
Samhaina: Green 8D

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Ada Wolfe: Slim.
Alf Eregion: Average
Lounatuuli: Slim
Marduk: Average
Sethos: Slim
Darius: Slim
Samhaina: Average

21) Rain, sunshine?
Ada Wolfe: Rain
Alf Eregion: Wut ever
Lounatuuli: Sunshine..
Marduk: Don't really care.
Sethos: Rain 8D *tail goes woosh woosh*
Darius: Sunshine
Samhaina: Sunshine! Warm~

22) Pool, beach?
Ada Wolfe: none
Alf Eregion: Pool 8D
Lounatuuli: none
Marduk: ....
Sethos: .... eew
Darius: Pool
Samhaina: Beach n' sunshine!

23) Camping, staying home?
Ada Wolfe: Camping.
Alf Eregion: Hooomeee
Lounatuuli: Home..
Marduk: Home... "Home"
Sethos: Home! Not going anywhere >8[.... tho i don't have home...
Darius: Camping..
Samhaina: Camping!

24) Dog, cat?
Ada Wolfe: Dragon.
Alf Eregion: .... I gonna say Cat.
Lounatuuli: EEEW!
Marduk: Dog, they're wiser than cats.
Sethos: Dog, duuuh
Darius: Cat.
Samhaina: Dog would be nice, yes. They taste good, yes.

25) Believe in aliens?
Ada Wolfe: spookyyy. no
Alf Eregion: Yes 8D
Lounatuuli: njah.
Marduk: I don't need to believe when I know things.
Sethos: No.
Darius: Nope..
Samhaina: Yes, yes!

26) Natural born, or clone?
Ada Wolfe: Natural born?
Alf Eregion: Natural.
Lounatuuli: Natural.
Marduk: You think about that.
Sethos: Natural..
Darius: Naatural.
Samhaina: Same as others said.

27) Car or ship?**
Alf Eregion: Horsles carriage!?
Lounatuuli: O_o
Marduk: You humans are so pathetic.. when did you lost your ability to walk? Cars and Ships.. in future, you would say 'LOL' to this kind of question at now.
Sethos: ......
Darius: .... I take my horse.
Samhaina: Me walk. Relly good for spirit.

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Ada Wolfe: Yes.
Alf Eregion: When I was drunk, yes.
Lounatuuli: No..
Marduk: Njah.
Sethos: Noo..
Darius: Nope.
Samhaina: Na'a.

29) Any unusual things about you?
Ada Wolfe: uumn.. big boobs?
Alf Eregion: *Stares at Ada's boobs OwO*
Lounatuuli: .. i'm dragon?
Marduk: 8DDDD
Sethos: ... no.
Darius: Noo, not really.
Samhaina: Unusual is my middle name.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Ada Wolfe: Noot so much..
Lounatuuli: Not much..
Marduk: Nothing at all.. soul or two in one month will be fine.
Sethos: ..... I eat dreams.
Darius: What you thing?
Samhaina: Not a lot.

31) Favorite place?
Ada Wolfe: "Pimeä paikka"
Alf Eregion: Da Kalle's barrelhouse!
Lounatuuli: Mountains.
Marduk: My own cave.
Sethos: Anywhere.
Darius: ... don't really know..
Samhaina: Whit other trolls >:
Viimeksi muokannut Aksutar päivämäärä 10 Touko 2011, 19:51, muokattu yhteensä 1 kerran
Viestit: 14829
Liittynyt: 23 Marras 2007, 14:47
Paikkakunta: Crypt

ViestiKirjoittaja Totopo » 27 Maalis 2010, 12:03

Characters Chosen:

1) How old are you?
Nalla: Nalla is...! *count the fingers* Nalla is nine!

2) Height?
Nalla: Nalla is light as a frog!

3) You got any bad habits?
Nalla: No? But somebody say that Nalla have. Nalla is good girl! ^^

4) You a virgin?
Nalla: ...What is virgin? O,O

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Nalla: A bear! Nalla loooooves bears! ^W^

6) Have any kids?
Nalla: How do you do them? Can you buy them from a shop? Nalla want's kids!

7) Favorite food?
Nalla: Nalla looooves mushrooms! And fish!

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Nalla: That brown one?

9) Killed anyone?
Nalla: Nalla neeeever kills anyone. ^^

10) Hate anyone?
Nalla: Nope. Nalla loves everyone. Nalla is good girl!

11) Any secrets?
Nalla: ...I have a ghost as pet? It's death fish ghost.

12) Love anyone?
Nalla: EEEVERYONE! Nalla is good girl! ^W^

13) TACOS?**
Nalla: I have them! ...What are tacos?

14) Ever slept in all day?
Nalla: Nalla sleep when she is tired?

15) Favorite show?**
Nalla: Nalla's show. ^^

16) Favorite movie?**
Nalla: Nalla's show.

17) Favorite band?**
Nalla: Nalla's show? ^-^

18) Eye Colors?
Nalla: Blue

19) Skin?
Nalla: Coffee and milk mix?

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Nalla: ...Medium?

21) Rain, sunshine?
Nalla: Everything! ^^

22) Pool, beach?
Nalla: Everything!

23) Camping, staying home?
Nalla: Nalla loves everyone, Nalla is good girl. ^^

24) Dog, cat?
Nalla: No, Nalla is fox.

25) Believe in aliens?
Nalla: Do you to mean those over there?

26) Natural born, or clone?
Nalla: Nalla wants some clones!

27) Car or ship?**
Nalla: On foot?

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Nalla: NEVER! Nalla NEVER EVER got anger or blind. Nalla is good girl! ^W^

29) Any unusual things about you?
Nalla: ...I can steal yours underwears without you know it?

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Nalla: LOTS OF!

31) Favorite place?
Nalla: EVERYTHING! Nalla is good girl! ^W^

ViestiKirjoittaja Anyki » 28 Maalis 2010, 18:53

Characters Chosen:
Julissa, Anann, Rebecca

1) How old are you?
Julissa: exhales dramatically "Dont you know it's rude to ask how old are you from a women?"
Anann: laughs "old enough"
Rebecca: "I'm 19 years old"

2) Height?
Julissa: shrughs "dunno, don't care"
Anann: laughs easily "long enough"
Rebecca: "about 160cm"

3) You got any bad habits?
Julissa: "Phaf. Not like I'm telling them to you"
Anann: "Does seducing men and then leaving them alone in the forest count?"
Rebecca: "Oh... Well, sometimes I am a bit gullible, I guess..."

4) You a virgin?
Julissa: "After all, I am married, you know..."
Anann: laughs "What do you think?"
Rebecca: "Of course! What are you thinking? I'm not married! Yet."

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Julissa: "Eloy, my dear Eloy" wipes away a tear
Anann: "I don't like to get stuck on one, I prefer variety"
Rebecca: "No one, yet at least...!"

6) Have any kids?
Julissa: shakes her head
Anann: "No and never will."
Rebecca: "Nope."

7) Favorite food?
Julissa: "Nothing can beat a good steak"
Anann: "I prefer berries"
Rebecca: "Puddings are my way to treat myself"

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Julissa: "liquorice of course!"
Anann: "Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry. You name it, but only if it's made from natural ingredients"
Rebecca: "Raspberry"

9) Killed anyone?
Julissa: "No, but someones might have received a hard hit. Sorry for that"
Anann: "Well, not killed, but maybe I left someone somewhere with no chance of survival..."
Rebecca: "OF COURSE NOT! What are these questions? What do you expect from me?! I'm not that filthy and bad-mannered!"

10) Hate anyone?
Julissa: "Ask about it! Drunks"
Anann: "Not necessarily"
Rebecca: "Hate is such a strong word, so no."

11) Any secrets?
Julissa: glances around suspiciously
Anann: laughs "Well, what do you think?"
Rebecca: "Secrets are kept secrets for a purpose"

12) Love anyone?
Julissa: sighs "I dont know. I wish I knew, but I really don't know."
Anann: "Nature"
Rebecca: "I hope sincerely I would, but I don't think falling in love is a option for me."

14) Ever slept in all day?
Julissa: "Weeeelll, you know when you've had a rough night..."
Anann: "Boooooooriiiiiing"
Rebecca: "No, I have too many things to do, I don't have time to sleep long"

18) Eye Colors?
Julissa: "As green as they get!"
Anann: "green and brown, just like the forest"
Rebecca: "light greenish blue, it is hard to explain."

19) Skin?
Julissa: "Blah, normal"
Anann: "Just look at our friend Snow white and you get the idea of my skin color"
Rebecca: "Oh, so fair."

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Julissa: "Slim of course, but no woman can call them a woman if they don't have any curves!"
Anann: "Too slim, but it's not my fault. Look at what you have done to the nature!"
Rebecca: "I kinda do like myself, actually."

21) Rain, sunshine?
Julissa: "Sunshine!"
Anann: "First rays of the morning sun or a afternoon rain shower. I can't choose between too beautiful things."
Rebecca: "Well, you don't get wet when the sun is shining..."

22) Pool, beach?
Julissa: "Beach, I love waves and all the free air above the water."
Anann: "Pools are so unnatural! A rural and quiet beach is a place for me..."
Rebecca: "Hmmmh, I have to say pool. You know, no dangers or fish etc...?"

23) Camping, staying home?
Julissa: "Experiencing new things is something that I like, so camping"
Anann: "Both have their ways, depends where you're camping in"
Rebecca: "Staying home, I don't have all the energy to go and sleep somewhere primitive, when I have my bed."

24) Dog, cat?
Julissa: "Yuck. Neither one. Go lizards!"
Anann: "They are too domesticated, but wild cats sound pretty good..."
Rebecca: "Dog is a loyal companion, cat isn't."

25) Believe in aliens?
Julissa: "Why wouldn't I. Everyone knows there is something over the stars!"
Anann: coldly "Define alien. Do you mean mythical creatures or true aliens?"
Rebecca: "Well, I don't know. No one hasn't proven it in a way or another scientifically.."

26) Natural born, or clone?
All: "Natural born!"

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Julissa: "it wasn't rage... I just didn't control myself. That's all."
Anann: "Ummm... It can be seen from many different angles, I suppose."
Rebecca: "No, a good women should be able to control her feelings."

29) Any unusual things about you?
Julissa: "And you are seriously asking that from me?"
Anann: "Oh well, just the fact that I can do... Oh. I won't reveal my skills" smiles alluringly
Rebecca: "No, I guess no."

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Julissa: "I can survive with one meal, but I like to eat."
Anann: "I don't have to eat anything if I don't want to."
Rebecca: "Let's see... Breakfast or brunch, lunch if I haven't had any breakfast. Then there's of course tea time before supper or dinner. And often I do have an evening snack... It depends from the programme of the princess, when I eat and what I eat. Sometimes I don't get any food and sometimes they just keep bringing it."

31) Favorite place?
Julissa: "Any broad place"
Anann: "The forest of Quinn"
Rebecca: "The castle is my home and my favourite place now. The laundry room, you know, is the place where all the gossip starts..."

ViestiKirjoittaja Ay » 30 Maalis 2010, 22:16

Characters Chosen:

1) How old are you?
Suan: 19 ihmisten iässä
Safilye: 20
Evgenia: 505

2) Height?
Suan: n.170cm
Safilye: alle 165cm
Evgenia: En ole laskenut pituuttani

3) You got any bad habits?
Suan: En oikein tiedä, koska olen ystävällinen
Safilye: jääköön tiedoksi vain itselleni
Evgenia: ei ole, kuin huitaja, että olisin seireeni

4) You a virgin?
Suan: Yes
Safilye: jep
Evgenia: juu

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Suan: En tiedä
Safilye: Jaa kuka titää
Evgenia: hmm...

6) Have any kids?
Suan: Ei, mutta tahtoisi joskus
Safilye: nou
Evgenia: ei

7) Favorite food?
Suan: marjat
Safilye: liha
Evgenia: tytyy samaan eli liha

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Suan: ??
Safilye: Jää on jää miten siitä saa kermaa?
Evgenia: ...?

9) Killed anyone?
Suan: en
Safilye: Kyllä valitettavasti
Evgenia: Valitettavasti kyllä

10) Hate anyone?
Suan: En tällä hetkellä, kuin sukulaisia.
Safilye: Metsästäjää
Evgenia: veljeäni

11) Any secrets?
Suan: Ei jakamisen arvoista
Safilye: Paljon
Evgenia: Ei paljokaan

12) Love anyone?
Suan: ei
Safilye: *punastuu ja hiljeentyy*
Evgenia: Ei

13) TACOS?**
Suan: ??
Safilye: hauska sana
Evgenia: Anteeksi mitä sanoit

14) Ever slept in all day?
Suan: En taida olla
Safilye: Kyllä ihan helposti
Evgenia: juu

15) Favorite show?**
Suan: Onko se sellainen missä leikitään nuken vastaavilla??
Safilye: ??
Evgenia: Ei ole nähnyt shouwta

16) Favorite movie?**
Suan: ??
Safilye: En ole nähnyt
Evgenia: ??

17) Favorite band?**
Suan: ??
Safilye: --?
Evgenia: ...?

18) Eye Colors?
Suan: Vaaleat melkein, kuin mahla
Safilye: Ruskea valkoinen sekoitus tai Ruskean keltainen sekoitus
Evgenia: Keltaiset

19) Skin?
Suan: perus haltia iho
Safilye: Valkoinen turkki ja tai ihmisen suomunen
Evgenia: suomuinen vaalean sininen ja valkoistakin ripaus.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Suan: Slim
Safilye: Slim
Evgenia: Average

21) Rain, sunshine?
Suan: Sunshine
Safilye: Rain
Evgenia: Rain and Sunshine

22) Pool, beach?
Suan: Beach
Safilye: Kummatkin
Evgenia: ??

23) Camping, staying home?
Suan: Camping
Safilye: Camping
Evgenia: kummatkin

24) Dog, cat?
Suan: cat
Safilye: cat niitä on kiva juosta perässä
Evgenia: ei kumpakaa

25) Believe in aliens?
Suan: nääh
Safilye: päh
Evgenia: jep

26) Natural born, or clone?
Suan: Natural born
Safilye: luonnon mukaisesti syntynyt
Evgenia: Luonnollisesti

27) Car or ship?**
Suan: Car se kuulostaa kivammalta
Safilye: ??
Evgeni: ??

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Suan: Olen hyvin pahoillani
Safilye: Voi ei
Evgenia: jaa

29) Any unusual things about you?
Suan: En oikein tiedä, kuin se, että osaa häätää kaikki ympäriltäni
Safilye: olen ujo, vaikka ei uskoisi ehkä enemmän silmistä näkee miten peloissa tai vihoissani olen
Evgenia: osaan laulaa, kuin seireeni

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Suan: en paljoa
Safilye: kerran päivässä, mutta vettä hiukan enemmän
Evgenia: En paljoa, mutta niin, että pystyy saada ruokaa seuraavan kerrankin

31) Favorite place?
Suan: vanha metsästäjä maja missä on pelottava ovi
Safilye: Missä tunnen itseni hyvin rentona
Evgenia: Nykyinen luolani
Viestit: 1652
Liittynyt: 16 Syys 2008, 21:54

ViestiKirjoittaja Pippuri » 16 Touko 2010, 06:41

Characters Chosen:

1) How old are you?
16 v.

2) Height?
I have no idea. Is this so important?

3) You got any bad habits?
Well... Yes.

4) You a virgin?

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Haven't got even a friend. :'(

6) Have any kids?
No. Suprise, wasn't it? -.-

7) Favorite food?

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Favorite WHAT?

9) Killed anyone?
Can't remember, but I belive so.

10) Hate anyone?
Yes, my mum.

11) Any secrets?
It's my own business.

12) Love anyone?

13) TACOS?**
Do you need some help?

14) Ever slept in all day?
Yes, after full moon-night.

15) Favorite show?**

16) Favorite movie?**

17) Favorite band?**

18) Eye Colors?

19) Skin?

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Slim, I think.

21) Rain, sunshine?
It depends.

22) Pool, beach?
Well, I have no idea what's "pool", so I say beach. But I don't really like swimming.

23) Camping, staying home?
If I had home...

24) Dog, cat?
Dog, no, wolf.

25) Believe in aliens?
I think that no. Are they a new breed?

26) Natural born, or clone?

27) Car or ship?**
"Car"? What is "car"?

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
I can't know, I belive so.

29) Any unusual things about you?
I'm half-elf and half... ... werewolf...

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Not much.

31) Favorite place?

ViestiKirjoittaja Aksutar » 10 Touko 2011, 20:20

Characters Chosen:
Edna Eregion
Kali kalpana
Frederico Aldo

1) How old are you?

E: Old enough to get in troubles
P: Too old for you honey
S: No one knows my true age.
K: Woman in best age!
F: Ooold.. too old to play with kids.

2) Height?
E: They call me short.
P: Long Pumpkin is loooong.
S: almost 2m
K: Tall enough to kick your ass!
F: Same as Shiloh, lil shorter

3) You got any bad habits?
E: Is geting in troubles bad habit?
P: Lets go have drink and see where does it lead!
S: No, im all pure.
F: Well, maybe the mortals way to live have got me.

4) You a virgin?
E: Yeees...
P: No!
S: Yes, no, maybe, who knows
K: Nope!
F: Am I?

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
E: Kalma :3
P: Belial! I love to mate with him! Next time we do it I gonna go lay some eggs!
S: Don't have.
K: No one! I need no man to make me happy! *QQ*
F: All the pretty girls! No, not really. Don't have.

6) Have any kids?
E: No!
P: Not yet!
S: No, yes, maybe, who knows.....
K: Nopedi nope.
F: Not sure, but I bet not. Atleast not in this life!

7) Favorite food?
E: Apples! I like them!
S: I don't really like mortals foods.
F: I don't know. I eat what they give me!

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
E: What was?
P: Oooooh the ice with flavor?
S: .....
K: ...... Are you trying to fool me around?
F: ..... I'm sorry, what was the question again?

9) Killed anyone?
E: No!
P: Yes... But I had to! And it was a long time agone!
S: Yes, but all who I kill really deserved it. I am the last judgment, I am the last pray!
K: Yees....
F: Only the ones who have deserved it.

10) Hate anyone?
E: Yes!
P: No, not really. Expect that blind old fool who lives high up the mountains!
S: No, not really.
K: Yes
F: Yes and no.

11) Any secrets?
E: Some... but not gonna tell!
P: Well, Im dragon in humans village? Isn't that pretty big secret?
S: Yes.
K: Ofc!
F: Yup

12) Love anyone?
E: Yes
P: What is love? Tell me.
S: I love everyone who deserves the love of our lord.
K: Noot really.
F: Yes and no.

13) TACOS?**
E: .......
P: Something to eat?
S: ......
K: Im sure about it now, you're trying to fool me around!
F: ......

14) Ever slept in all day?
E: Yes, now pretty often.
P: Yeah!
S: No.
K: Yup!
F: noooooo.

15) Favorite show?**
E: umn.... what?
P: I like the puppet shows they do in marketplace sometimes!
S: ......
K: ......

16) Favorite movie?**
E: My... favorite move?
P: o-o
S: .....
K: Okay, you're gonna get your ass kicked soon!
F: ....

17) Favorite band?**
E: ehm...
P: The street musician! The flute guy is good!
S: .... I like when girls sing.
K: <.<
F: dunno.

18) Eye Colors?
E: You look O_O
P: Yellow.
S: Blue
K: Green
F: Brown

19) Skin?
E: Brown.
P: dark brown... but red in my true form.
S: pale
K: beautiful!
F: lil dark.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
E: Average?
P: Slim!
S: Average
K: Slim
F: Average

21) Rain, sunshine?
E: Sunshine ^^
P: Sunshine!
S: Every weather is beautiful in their own way.
K: Sun!
F: sun ofc

22) Pool, beach?
E: beach
P: bath!
S: ....
K: beach!
F: beach!

23) Camping, staying home?
E: Camping
P: I dont have home
S: Every place in earth is my home.
K: Camping!
F: As long as I have good company, I'll take anything.

24) Dog, cat?
E: Can I take both?
P: Aaaw, kitty cat
S: All the creatures are welcome. Let the Sullivan take care of them.
K: Cat
F: Cat

25) Believe in aliens?
E: Yees..
P: ofc!
S: How do you define alien?
K: nope
F: hmmmmm

26) Natural born, or clone?
E: Natural? O_o
P: Natural
S: ..... I born naturally, died naturally and now im walking on earth again.
K: natural
F: same as Shiloh!

27) Car or ship?**
E: What is Car?
P: Njah, I gonna fly *WOOOOSH*
S: I go by walking
K:Ship! YARRR!
F: Do we have to go anywhere?

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
E: Yeees.
P: No, not really.
S: No
K: Yes!
F: nope

29) Any unusual things about you?
E: Im dating a ghost dog
P: Im daragon?
S: Im angel
K: I have boobs
F: Im angel and not so good at being one

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
E: Not so much..
S: Not any
K: dunno.
F: Not any at all, but I eat still

31) Favorite place?
E: Highest roof in village.
P: Anywhere where Belial is.
S: Streets.
K: Anywhere.
F: Streets!
Viestit: 14829
Liittynyt: 23 Marras 2007, 14:47
Paikkakunta: Crypt

ViestiKirjoittaja Ivy » 10 Touko 2011, 21:22

Characters Chosen:
Delia Cúthalion

1) How old are you?
P: *takes out her fingers, lifting one up at a time* ...Ive been angel for 20 years.
D: I turned 300 not too long ago.

2) Height?
P: *raises her hand right above her head* Pisa is somewhat about 167cm maybe?
D: I am 173cm

3) You got any bad habits?
P: Pisa sleeps a lot and sometimes eats a lot if theres food... *is ashamed*
D: I most certainly hope not. But if I do, I wish them to be pointed out.

4) You a virgin?
P: *Nod nod*
D: ...Yes...

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
P: *head shake!* Pisa sticks with her friends, I like them all equally
D: Aran Cúthalion, the king of the elven people, i recommend you to remember that.

6) Have any kids?
P: Pisa got lots of kids to look after yes
D: Young prince Anton....

7) Favorite food?
P: I like anything, Pisa wont be picky -u-
D: foie gras (Goose liver)

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
P: *tilts her head* ...like...cream...and ice together?
D: What on earth do you mean?

9) Killed anyone?
P: Ö_Ö No! Theyre only sleeping! Honest!
D: Of course not

10) Hate anyone?
P: Nooo =U=
D: *tremble* Those...those humans...

11) Any secrets?
P: *head shake* Only if theyre secrets to Pisa herself aswell
D: We all have secrets, I do too

12) Love anyone?
P: Pisa loves everyone unless master Shiloh says that its a bad guy
D: Yes, yes I do...

13) TACOS?**
P: .....?
D: ....is that some sort of vulcar language?

14) Ever slept in all day?
P: Amazingly enough... Pisa actually havent
D: Back in the time I have yes...

15) Favorite show?**
P: Uuuh Pisa cannot pick, there is too many good shows on the streets
D: I am not all that fan of enertaiment to have a favorite

16) Favorite movie?**
P: ......uuuh...um..é_è
D: .......

17) Favorite band?**
P: .....Im going to ask Shiloh whats band first.
D: do I need to call the guards? ...Id hate to do that.

18) Eye Colors?
P: Violet kind... and babyblue in human illusion
D: They are yellowish

19) Skin?
P: Pale, really white, look~
D: It is pale... No need to stare now...

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
P: ...uh oh...Slim? (slim/bony)
D: Slim...

21) Rain, sunshine?
P: Pisa likes sunshine, then orphans do not have to get wet!
D: Sunshine but rain is welcome every once in a while

22) Pool, beach?
P: Pisa doesnt really mind the water...really
D: Here in the castle, we got a bath as big as a pool would be...

23) Camping, staying home?
P: Pisa doesnt live anywhere, then again everywhere
D: My duty is here at the castle, my former home

24) Dog, cat?
P: Both are very fluffy~ -u-
D: Cats...

25) Believe in aliens?
P: Hm? e.e
D: I dont...

26) Natural born, or clone?
P: Pisa was once born, once dead and born once again, but not with those options no.
D: Natrually

27) Car or ship?**
P: ....wings?
D: .....

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
P: *head shake* Pisa doesnt even have posessions of her own really
D: No I have not...

29) Any unusual things about you?
P: Is being an angel very very very unusual..?
D: Not really, only that my eyes and color of hair is a bit something else youd expect to see from an elf...

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
P: Pisa doesnt need any
D: 3 meals a day is average what is served...

31) Favorite place?
P: By other angels or laying on a cloud
D: The royal garden and my homemansion where my sister still lives
kuninkaan neuvonantaja
Viestit: 1981
Liittynyt: 02 Joulu 2007, 00:08
Paikkakunta: Crypt

ViestiKirjoittaja Dogster » 10 Touko 2011, 23:14

Characters Chosen:

1) How old are you?
A: Uhm, I don't know!
S: Not old enough it seems.
L: I, uhm... I've seen little over twenty springs... I think.
N: About threehundred, I think? I lost the count alredy.
E: I don't care.

2) Height?
A: Too too much to be part of my tribe!
S: ......Don't ask Q_Q
L: I'd say a half of a five years old birch...
N: Average~
E: I thought I was tall, before I met Adrian...

3) You got any bad habits?
A: I'm nothing BUT bad habits! >D
S: Aaah... I get bad mouthed sometimes?
L: B-Bad habbits? Why are you questin these, I would never, I mean.... HELP! *panic*
N: I lied that I'm a male to get in army... I think that is bad enough.
E: Bad habbits... Uhm, I tend to get too close to people.

4) You a virgin?
A: Oh hell no~
S: Next question.
L: *still panics*
N: Yes, for now.
E: *blush* I, I'm not sure....

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
A: I would love to say Kali, but she treats me more like a slave ^^'
S: Don't have.
L: I don't need anyone!
N: *blush* I think it's Arathet... He asked me to marry him, I think that makes him my mate?
E: Adrian ^///^ But don't tell anyone!

6) Have any kids?
A: Oh god I hope not!
S: Uh, no? I'm like, what, 13 from my body, how you supposed to even HAVE babys like this?
L: *shook head*
N: Not yet, I hope that I'll have kid or two.
E: No... And even though I would love to have a child, I fear my disease would descend on him or her...

7) Favorite food?
A: Seagull eggs and peanuts.
S: Candyyy \o/
L: Uh... anything eadible.
N: Hmm... I like fish.
E: Oh, uh, I don't know. Something you don't need to chew much.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
A: A what?
S: Ice cream, ice cream... what is it?
L: Ice... yiuh.
N: I could take that cream~
E: I haven't tasted that?

9) Killed anyone?
A: Nope.
S: Not yet. Broke couple bones when someone has been beatin down a helpless animals, but not killed.
L: Not as I recall... I just run away!
N: Unfortunately...
E: No! I couldn't do that!

10) Hate anyone?
A: Aaah, no?
S: Animalhaters and -abusers... grrr....
L: Don't ask!
N: I don't use the word "hate".
E: So long no.

11) Any secrets?
A: Uhm, no, I wouldn't say secrets, more like things that haven't been asked yet.
S: Many many secrets~ Like what happened for Shilohs toothbrush~ Only I know that.
L: Well.. this is big secret but... I think that troll that lives right next to my cave is lunatic!
N: Oh yes, but I'm not going to tell you~
E: Who knows?

12) Love anyone?
A: I love lots of things, but not certain someone yet.
S: I'm in love whit my job.
L: No, no one.
N and E: *blush*

13) TACOS?**

14) Ever slept in all day?
A: Yep.
S: Hmm, I like sleeping but no.
L. Urgh, no, I can't sleep...
N: Nope.
E: I'm not allowed to do anything else than sleep....

15) Favorite show?**

16) Favorite movie?**

17) Favorite band?**

18) Eye Colors?
A: Purple.
S: Grayish green.
L: I think they're blue?
N: Yellowish green.
E: Bright green. Some sayd that they're almost like emeralds...

19) Skin?
A: Dark, hairy, and lots of lightblue markins.
S: Normally it's little tanned whit deep red stripes, but in illusion stripes disappear.
L: Tanned... Scarred... Dirty....
N: Kinda pale....
E: Almos white.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
A: Slim, but my fur makes me look like average. If it gets wet and then quikcly dryed, and it goes PUFF I look fat.
S: Average... Still have some babyweight...
L: Average....
N: In good physical fit!
E: Extra slim, I think...

21) Rain, sunshine?
A: Sunshine, thank you ^^
S: Sunshine, I get warm and animals are also feeling better.
L: Rain, not too hot and sound of rain covers anything else.
N: Sunshine when on the road, rain when home.
E: It doesen't matter, weather changes are great!

22) Pool, beach?
A: Beach...
S: Beach.
L: Neither one.
N: Pool.
E: Uhm... Bathtub?

23) Camping, staying home?
A: Camping!
S: Hoooome!
L: Urgh...
N: Home.
E: Both!

24) Dog, cat?
A: Cat~
S: All animals~
L: Neither.
N: Monkeys!
E: Dog.

25) Believe in aliens?
A: On what?
S: I think I'm more of an alien than you would think...
L: Oh god, so they ARE here!
N: No, I dont, sorry.
E: I've readed, but that's all...

26) Natural born, or clone?
A: Natural... Or something, I don't think it is natural to be borned from rape?
S: Well, I died and then become an angel, is that natural for you?
L: I came down on the river so...
N: Natural
E: Hold on, I'll go ask...

27) Car or ship?**

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
A: Uhm, yeah, I broke my moms pan. She got so mad...
S: Can't remember, maybe. I'm not the best example of an angel anyways.
L: Me? In rage?
N: Yes, but I usually say sorry after that.
E: No, I don't have enough strenght to do that.

29) Any unusual things about you?
A: No?
S: Well I'm an angel who can talk to animals and turn invisble...
L: Too much, oh so much is wrong whit me...
N: Uh, I don't think there is something really unusual...
E: I.. I think I can see things other can't... Like the past and future...

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
A: Not too much...
S: I don't need, but I still eat!
L: Just enough to keep me going...
N: The regular appetite, the regular needs.
E: I think I need more water than food... I don't eat much anyway

31) Favorite place?
A: Somewhere that is cooler than here...
S: Roof top on sunny day!
L: Someplace away from these monsters...
N: Next to Arathet.
E: Some place warm... and whit Adrian ^///^
Splinter, Ice Prince || Roka, Blind Loner || Copper, Righteous Man || Argen, Lenient Beast || Sullivan, Guardian of Animals || Nelladel, Night Hunter
Tänne päin,, jos sinulla on peli-idea tai tahdot kurkata avoimena olevia tärkeitä ja ei-niin-tärkeitä peli-ideoita.

"I'm a cockroach remember, I just keep coming back!"

Ava (c) Minä.
Viestit: 1974
Liittynyt: 04 Touko 2009, 20:00
Paikkakunta: Tuntematon planeetta

ViestiKirjoittaja Mohnake » 12 Touko 2011, 17:36

Characters Chosen:


1) How old are you?

Between twentyfive and thirty. Not sure.

2) Height?

Maybe 1.75 meters

3) You got any bad habits?

Where to start... Stealing, bluster, drinking, doing drugs... Oh and having more than one god!

4) You a virgin?

What does that even mean?

5) Who's your mate/spouse?

No one. A thief must not love anyone.

6) Have any kids?

Maybe. I visit so many times at brothel so I guess, I have at least one.

7) Favorite food?

Boiled eggs and good old mead.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**

Ice what?

9) Killed anyone?

If we count in guards I have shoved down from walls, then I have killed few times.

10) Hate anyone?

Rich people who don't donate to the orphanage or to the poor.

11) Any secrets?

Lots of them. Only my very own apprentice would learn them all someday.

12) Love anyone?

As I have said, a thief must not love anyone

13) TACOS?**

You are so silly. Of course I use tacos.. what ever they are...

14) Ever slept in all day?

Nearly every day. Tough nights you see.

15) Favorite show?**

No comment on that one.

16) Favorite movie?**

Movie? What does that even mean? Where are you from? Talking like a madman.

17) Favorite band?**

Maybe that silver headband which I got back in my safehouse.

18) Eye Colors?


19) Skin?

Oliveblack and shining from sweat.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?


21) Rain, sunshine?

It depends on what kind weather I need.

22) Pool, beach?

I love beaches. Soft sand under feet and the hung of salty smell in the air.

23) Camping, staying home?

I prefer more to sleep under nightsky, near the campfire.

24) Dog, cat?


25) Believe in aliens?

You are an alien to me.

26) Natural born, or clone?

Natural born. See my bornmark right here *points to the right ear*

27) Car or ship?**

Ship. Never heard about a car. Is it something to move on?

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?

Beerglasses, pitchers, mirrors. And onetime my friend's nose. He doesn't look at the same he used to be.

29) Any unusual things about you?

Well not much. I just can sneak up on people nearly invisible.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?

Two meals and maybe one pitcher water or mead.

31) Favorite place?

There are many. *naughty grin*

ViestiKirjoittaja Chaos » 13 Touko 2011, 16:16

Characters Chosen: Moerwen Faelwen

1) How old are you?
Very old

2) Height?

3) You got any bad habits?
Murdering people, stalking victims,

4) You a virgin?

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Single, not really relationship-type

6) Have any kids?
No, and doesn't wan't any

7) Favorite food?
Something healthy, as much vegetables as possible

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**

9) Killed anyone?
Of course! Many, many people.....

10) Hate anyone?
Some humans and elves that are not her kind

11) Any secrets?
Too many to count

12) Love anyone?
No, hates falling in love

13) TACOS?**

14) Ever slept in all day?
Yes, done that

15) Favorite show?**
Something drama

16) Favorite movie?**
Loving Annabelle

17) Favorite band?**
Doesn't have one, likes music though

18) Eye Colors?

19) Skin?
Very pale

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Prety slim

21) Rain, sunshine?
Rain during dark night

22) Pool, beach?

23) Camping, staying home?
Camping alone or home with good company

24) Dog, cat?

25) Believe in aliens?

26) Natural born, or clone?
Natural born

27) Car or ship?**

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Many things actually

29) Any unusual things about you?
Never goes anywhere without a weapon

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Not much

31) Favorite place?
Somewhere with peace

ViestiKirjoittaja Lotdow » 22 Heinä 2011, 13:25

Characters Chosen:

1) How old are you?
R: 27. mentally 5

2) Height?
R: 170cm.

3) You got any bad habits?
R: No, I don't think so.

4) You a virgin?
R: No. Should I be?

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
R: No one.

6) Have any kids?
R: I don't like kids, so I don't have kids.

7) Favorite food?
R: Bugs! Maybe paperwasp is my favourite.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
R: Umm? Ice Ceram? Never heard about. Who is he?

9) Killed anyone?
R: Yeah. Five demons if I remember right.

10) Hate anyone?
R: YES! Every demon!

11) Any secrets?
R: Many. Like that when I almost... Well if I tell it it's no longer secret.

12) Love anyone?
R: No, only love I have is conceit.

13) TACOS?**
R: AAARGH! Where?! Are they gonna kill me?! Wait a moment? What are Tacos?

14) Ever slept in all day?
R: Yes or no. I can't remeber because I was in sleep.

15) Favorite show?**
R: Umm? What?

16) Favorite movie?**
R: Hey Fredie, what's movie?

17) Favorite band?**
R: O_O

18) Eye Colors?
R: Like amiral butterfly

19) Skin?
R: Yes skin. Very nice thing isn't it? Very strange object in the world.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
R: Average.

21) Rain, sunshine?
R: Sunshine!

22) Pool, beach?
R: Beach is there, but I can't see any pools around here.

23) Camping, staying home?
R: Camping.

24) Dog, cat?
R: There is no cat or dog around.

25) Believe in aliens?
R: o.O Aliens? No...

26) Natural born, or clone?
R: It's one of my many secrets

27) Car or ship?**
R: Well I came here by ship and what is car

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
R: My butteflynet ;(

29) Any unusual things about you?
R: I don't like to eat spiders

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
R: No idea.

31) Favorite place?
R: That field where's lot of butterflies

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 22 Heinä 2011, 13:38

Characters Chosen: Fred, Eugene.

1) How old are you?
Fred: Nearly 30 *sad*
Eugene: In a good age.

2) Height?
Fred: 180cm
Eugene: TALL.

3) You got any bad habits?
Eugene: Let's kill everyone and umm, I'm a demon?

4) You a virgin?
Fred: No, I'm actually a libra.
Eugene: Sure, what were you thinking?

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Fred and Eugene: Romances are not my hobby.

6) Have any kids?
Fred: Not.
Eugene: Of course NOT!

7) Favorite food?
Fred: BEEF.
Eugene: Human- or elvish meat.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Fred: I don't know! Is it a food? Sounds exciting.
Eugene: I don't eat things because of flavor. Or well...

9) Killed anyone?
Fred: Well yes...

10) Hate anyone?
Fred: Not really, I think.
Eugene: Oh yes I do.

11) Any secrets?
Fred: No, I'm so opened person.
Eugene: Don't you ask that kind of things.

12) Love anyone?
Fred: No.
Eugene: I can't love you asshole.

13) TACOS?**
Fred: *shock*
Eugene: Let's kill them.

14) Ever slept in all day?
Fred: When I was really tired!
Eugene: Demons don't need to sleep.

15) Favorite show?**
Fred: Uh...
Eugene: Watching when someone gets hanged.

16) Favorite movie?**
Fred: Movie?
Eugene: What?

17) Favorite band?**
Fred: Eeeeh... Next.
Eugene: You want me to hit you?

18) Eye Colors?
Fred: Blue as the sea.
Eugene: *stare* Black and white, don't you see?

19) Skin?
Fred: *looking himself* Skincoloured.
Eugene: White. Nearly grey.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Fred: Average.
Eugene: Slim and muscles.

21) Rain, sunshine?
Fred: I like rain.
Eugene: RAIN, never sunshine!

22) Pool, beach?
Fred & Eugene: Beach.

23) Camping, staying home?
Fred: Camping.
Eugene: Travelling.

24) Dog, cat?
Fred: HORSE.
Eugene: I don't like animals unless they're on my plate.

25) Believe in aliens?
Fred: What are they?
Eugene: No.

26) Natural born, or clone?
Fred: Natural.
Eugene: Natural.

27) Car or ship?**
Fred: Ship... What is car?
Eugene: Ship.

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Fred: Hah, yes.
Eugene: People.

29) Any unusual things about you?
Fred: No, I'm usual.
Eugene: -.^

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Fred: Enough.
Eugene: Not much.

31) Favorite place?
Fred: Everywhere.
Eugene: Battleground.
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

ViestiKirjoittaja Niehku » 22 Heinä 2011, 16:51

Characters Chosen:
Lucanya Vendethiel

1) How old are you?
Elwyn: 298. Mitä virnuilet?
Lucanya: 291, olen haltia!

2) Height?
Elwyn: 172cm.
Lucanya: Jotain... 170cm.

3) You got any bad habits?
Elwyn: Haahhah! Minullako? Ei suinkaan...
Lucanya: Olen yrittänyt olla kunnolla...

4) You a virgin?
Elwyn: ...
Lucanya: Voi, en.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Elwyn: Akashi.
Lucanya: Ystäviä on monia!

6) Have any kids?
Elwyn: Ei ja toivottavasti sellaisia ei tulekkaan!
Lucanya: Ei nyt sentään :)

7) Favorite food?
Elwyn: Liha. Lintu on parasta!
Lucanya: Umm... Hedelmät ja marjat!

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Elwyn: Mi-mikä oli?
Lucanya: Mikä? Onko se jokin uusi juttu?

9) Killed anyone?
Elwyn: Kyllä ja lisää tappoja jatkossa!
Lucanya: Muutamia valitettavasti... En pidä tappamisesta.

10) Hate anyone?
Lucanya: Entisiä poikaystäviäni...

11) Any secrets?
Lucanya: Hm? Ei nyt ainakaan mitään suuria... :)

12) Love anyone?
Elwyn: Ei.
Lucanya: No jaa... :)

13) TACOS?
Elwyn: Mitä?
Lucanya: O.o

14) Ever slept in all day?
Elwyn: En, työt pitävät nukkumisen vähäisenä.
Lucanya: Oi, se olisi kyllä ihanaa joskus kokea! :3

15) Favorite show?
Elwyn: Tiedätkö mitä, tunge se showsi... Jos tälläiset ihmekysymykset eivät lopu! Ei minulla ole aikaa tälläisiin!
Lucanya: Hmm... Tarkoitatko laulajia, tanssijoita?

16) Favorite movie?
Elwyn: Varoitan...
Lucanya: Anteeksi?

17) Favorite band?
Lucanya: >.<

18) Eye Colors?
Elwyn: Vasen tummansininen, oikea punainen. Etkö näe?
Lucanya: Siniset.

19) Skin?
Elwyn: *vetää kaulahuivin alas*
Lucanya: No... Kuten näet, tälläinen vaalea.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Elwyn: Slim...
Lucanya: Slim :)

21) Rain, sunshine?
Elwyn: Sade tietysti.
Lucanya: Kummatkin :) minkäs sille säälle mahdat?

22) Pool, beach?
Elwyn: Mikä allas? En tykkää kyllä rannoistakaan...
Lucanya: Rannalla on mukavaa :)

23) Camping, staying home?
Elwyn: Riippuu töistä.
Lucanya: Kotiseuduilla on pysytty :)

24) Dog, cat?
Elwyn: En tarvitse kumpaakaan. Sitä paitsi, on minulla jo kissasta suurempi.
Lucanya: Voisin ottaa vaikka molemmat, mutta jos pitää valita... Kissa!

25) Believe in aliens?
Elwyn: No sinä varmaan uskot, oli se sitten mitä tahansa.
Lucanya: Onko se uusi rotu? O.o

26) Natural born, or clone?
Elwyn: Mitäpä luulet?
Lucanya: Luonnollisesti.

27) Car or ship?
Elwyn: Tapan sinut.
Lucanya: -.-'

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Elwyn: Kyllä!
Lucanya: Jos olen, en ainakaan tahallani!

29) Any unusual things about you?
Elwyn: Mitäs tuo nyt tarkoitti? Lumi ja jää elementit *osoittaa punaista silmäänä*
Lucanya: Umm... Ei :)

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Elwyn: Paljon juotavaa.
Lucanya: No... En minä tiedä, normaalisti syön ja juon...

31) Favorite place?
Elwyn: Pohjoinen koti.
Lucanya: Hah, monen monta! :)

ViestiKirjoittaja Templer » 31 Heinä 2011, 02:17

Vastaan siis Fredillä, koska muitahan en omista ;D

1) How old are you?
25 vuotta ja risut :D

2) Height?
Ei hajuakaan.

3) You got any bad habits?
Tuota, en usko. Mutta joidenkin mielestä voi olla. (:

4) You a virgin?
Yeap. :D

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Ei kukaan... ;)

6) Have any kids?
En, eikä luultavimmin tulekkaan.

7) Favorite food?
Kunnon kyljys...

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Ööh... en kommentoi

9) Killed anyone?
Monia, niin monia, olenhan metsästäjä.

10) Hate anyone?
Monia, niin monia, olenhan metsästäjä. >x)

11) Any secrets?
Yeap, mutten kerro

12) Love anyone?
Eeehh... pidän tiedon ihan itselläni.

13) TACOS?
Okei... no kerro terkkuja vain (:

14) Ever slept in all day?
En. Ei ole vapaapäiviä niinkään nukkumiseen...

15) Favorite show?

16) Favorite movie?
Kiva, kiva, kertokaahan mullekkin nyt jotain.

17) Favorite band?
Hiljaseks vetää...

18) Eye Colors?
En ole peiliin katsellut, mutta eiköhän nuo lähemmäs ruskeaa, voi ne olla sinisetkin... ehkä jopa vihreät.

19) Skin?
On minulla iho jos sitä meinaat.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Siinä keskellä... kai. :D

21) Rain, sunshine?
Kumpikin, koska kummatkin ovat syvältä.

22) Pool, beach?
Onhan ne rannat ihan ok... kaippa.

23) Camping, staying home?
No en sinänsä retkeile, mutta metsästän mieluummin kun olen kotona...

24) Dog, cat?

25) Believe in aliens?

26) Natural born, or clone?
Tämä on jo henkilökohtaista urkkimista!

27) Car or ship?

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
No kerran maljakon :D

29) Any unusual things about you?
Ota selvää.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
En ole laskenut, mutta ehkä sellaset...

31) Favorite place?
Mökki tai metsä, muualla en käykkään. :D


Paluu Keskustelut


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