Keskusteluille tarkoitettu alue. Keskustelujen luonti on vapaata, mutta katsothan ennen keskustelun aloittamista, onko foorumilla jo samankaltainen ”töpö” olemassa.
Muistetaan hyvät käytöstavat, eikä pyritä loukkaamaan ketään tieten tahtoen, pidetään kiroilu ja herjaus minimissä, huomioidaan kaikki keskustelussa ja vältetään turhia konflikteja. Pidetään yhdessä yllä rento, ystävällinen ja leppoisa ilmapiiri.

Valvojat: Crimson, Ivy, Agna

ViestiKirjoittaja Ylva » 04 Marras 2011, 16:30

((Hyvää ajantappoa, kun ei jaksa keskittyä pelaamaan XD Tehdään nyt sitten kaikista hyväksytyistä hahmoista))

Characters Chosen:

Albine Warsden
Ylva Chevelrey
Druaiglin Chevelrey

1) How old are you?

Albine: 20v
Ylva: 72v
Dru: 84v

2) Height?

Albine: 163cm
Yl: 176cm

3) You got any bad habits?

Albine: Ei mitään sellaista, mitä tuohon luokitellaan.
Yl: niitähän riittää, esim. tupakointi
Dru: Viehtymys alkoholiin, ei kuitenkaan alkoholisti

4) You a virgin?

Albine: Olen.
Yl: No en todellakaan.
Dru: En.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?

Kellään kolmesta ei ole.

6) Have any kids?

Albine/Yl: Ei
Dru: Ei tietääkseni XD

7) Favorite food?

Albine: Kotiruoka
Yl: Lihapainotteinen ruoka
Dru: Linnunliha

9) Killed anyone?

Albine: En ketään tai mitään koskaan!
Yl: Niin monta etten ole pitänyt laskua.
Dru: Pari ihmistä on joutunut elämänsä aikana surmaamaan, kun nuo ovat yrittäneet viedä oman henkeni.

10) Hate anyone?

Albine: Viha on niin vahva sana. En.
Yl: Kyllähän niitäkin löytyy.
Dru: En tiedä vihasta, mutta en ainakaan pidä eräistä henkilöistä.

11) Any secrets?

Albine: Synnynnäiset maagiset voimat
Yl: Monta sivua tähän saa käyttää? Onko minulla muuta kuin salaisuuksia? En oikeastaan kerro mitään mielellään menneisyydestäni, ammatistani, noh mistään.
Dru: No ainut salaisuus, joka sekään ei ole niin tarkka on maaginen sormukseni ja sen voimat.

12) Love anyone?

Albine: *punastus* ehkä... ja tietysti perhettäni.
Yl: Ottoäitiäni, mutta jos puhutaan intiimimmästä rakkaudesta niin se on aikapitkälle illuusiota koko juttu.
Dru: Perhettäni. Mielityiettyä ei ole vielä tullut vastaan.

14) Ever slept in all day?

Albine: Ei sellaiseen ole ollut aikaa.
Yl: yleensä nukun päivisin
Dru: kyllä sitä nuorempana taisi tulla harrastettua aina välillä, jos oli yön valvonut.

18) Eye Colors?
Albine: Kirkkaan siniset
Yl: kultaiset
Dru: siniset

19) Skin?
Albine: kalpea
Yl: päivettynyt iho
Dru: astetta tummempi kuin tavallisilla haltioilla (aikalailla kuin Pohjoisten haltioilla)

20) Fat/Average/Slim?

21) Rain, sunshine?
Albine: päivänpaiste
Yl: vesisade
Dru: kumpi vain

22) Pool, beach?

23) Camping, staying home?
Albine: Kumpi vain on ihanaa
Yl: jaa-a, aika sama
Dru: retkeily

24) Dog, cat?
Albine: kissa
Dru: pidän molemmista, mutta ehkä miluummin koira

25) Believe in aliens?
Albine: ovathan muutkin taruolennot totta...?
Yl: tuskin
Dru: en ole edes miettinyt asiaa

26) Natural born, or clone?
Albine: toivottavasti luonnollisesti
Yl: tiettävästi luonnollisesti, mutta eipä sitä koskaan tiedä
Dru: ihan luonnollisesti

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Albine: Lasketaanko tavaroiden ja ihmisten palamaan sytyttäminen?
Yl: Jep
Dru: en ole koskaan suuttunut niin paljoa, että olisi tarve mitään alkaa hajottelemaan

29) Any unusual things about you?
Albine: Sekaverisyys, laihuus ja kalpeus, synnynnäiset voimat.
Yl: Silmät ja hämäränpeitossa oleva rotu. Haltian kasvattama, kai tämä on epätavallista minun kohdallani.
Dru: Drowveri

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Albine: Muut sanovat että vähän, minä että sopivasti.
Yl: sen verran kun tarvitsee ruokaa ja joskus tulee juotua paljonkin
Dru: ihan normaalit määrät

31) Favorite place?
Albine: metsä
Yl: jaa, metsä
Dru: Lampi

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 05 Marras 2011, 11:43

Characters Chosen: Jerrell, Hiroi

1) How old are you?
Jerrell: I'm man in a good age!
Hiroi: Oh well let's see... You humans don't count it as we do, and *show goes on*

2) Height?
Jerrell: Tall I guess?
Hiroi: Hohohoho, TALL! I'm like 230cm!

3) You got any bad habits?
Jerrell: If I can count it as a bad habit, I'm deaf.
Hiroi: I'm use to protect my troops too much.

4) You a virgin?
Jerrell: Yes I am.
Hiroi: Yep, still.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Jerrell: I don't have anyone *despressive*
Hiroi: I have no! (Ladies, call me.)

6) Have any kids?
Jerrell: Hah, no...
Hiroi: No, and I guess they wouldn't want dad who is in the battleground all the time.

7) Favorite food?
Jerrell: I like lamb and potatoes.
Hiroi: Fruits are my favourite food.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Jerrell: ...? *stares*
Hiroi: *grin* Heee... Would you repeat?

9) Killed anyone?
Jerrell: No, I could never kill anyone!
Hiroi: Unfortunately, yes...

10) Hate anyone?
Jerrell: People who destroyed my land, my home, my family.
Hiroi: Yes. Elves.

11) Any secrets?
Jerrell: Everyone has secrets, don't you think?
Hiroi: Not really.

12) Love anyone?
Jerrell: No. *blush*
Hiroi: No, not yet.

13) TACOS?**
Jerrell: *takes fright* Stop that!
Hiroi: *stares with "kidding?"-face*

14) Ever slept in all day?
Jerrell: Noo.
Hiroi: I have no time to do that! Much training!

15) Favorite show?**
Jerrell: What is that?
Hiroi: Show? Sounds fun, but I can't answer this question.

16) Favorite movie?**
Jerrell: I don't understand!
Hiroi: If it's some kind of humans thing, I think I haven't heard about it yet.

17) Favorite band?**
Jerrell: *sigh* I give up...
Hiroi: Huh? I think this is same as the latest one...

18) Eye Colors?
Jerrell: Green, brown, white. B-but I don't have three eyes, see?
Hiroi: Yellow.

19) Skin?
Jerrell: It's fine at the moment. *smile*
Hiroi: Black as the darkest night in the Crypt!

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Jerrell: I'm kinda slim.
Hiroi: Average but really much muscles.

21) Rain, sunshine?
Jerrell: Sunshine is always better.
Hiroi: I like both. They make rainbow.

22) Pool, beach?
Jerrell: Beach I think.
Hiroi: Beach, it's more natural.

23) Camping, staying home?
Jerrell: Staying home!
Hiroi: Camping, I'm really severally home.

24) Dog, cat?
Jerrell: Hmm, a cat would be nice!
Hiroi: I have no time for pets.

25) Believe in aliens?
Jerrell: Huh? No? Yes?
Hiroi: I believe in VICTORYYYY!

26) Natural born, or clone?
Jerrell: Natural, making clones is impossible, I wish...
Hiroi: Natural of course. Or if I could clone our army, then...

27) Car or ship?**
Jerrell: Ship.
Hiroi: Ship.

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Jerrell: Oh, I hope not.
Hiroi: I'm not that kind of man. I'm too calm to do that.

29) Any unusual things about you?
Jerrell: I wish I had.
Hiroi: Haha, maybe for humans, but for qenacaers no.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Jerrell: Not much.
Hiroi: Pretty much because I'm so big. But I have learned to cope with a small amount of food, and that's because I'm in army.

31) Favorite place?
Jerrell: My southern island.
Hiroi: Camp.
Viimeksi muokannut Agna päivämäärä 06 Marras 2011, 01:41, muokattu yhteensä 1 kerran
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

ViestiKirjoittaja Lotdow » 05 Marras 2011, 13:27

Characters Chosen:
Varnefindon & Morna

1) How old are you?
R: About 32
V: 31
M: You heard what he said, 31
H: I'm 24
C: 200, but I look like 20
L: 19

2) Height?
R: Don't ask, I don't know.
V: Tall.
M: Tall enough to crush you.
H: Too short.
C: Perfect.
L: Oh well...

3) You got any bad habits?
R: I'm lunatic, maybe that?
V: I don't, but he doez!
M: You want me to tell you everything?
H: Of course not!
C: I'm evil, and that's why I'm too good to understand.
L: I eat people and elves.

4) You a virgin?
R: Yep
V: Yez.
M: Yeah.
H: I'm.
C: Yes.
L: Yes.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
All: No one.

6) Have any kids?
All: I hate kids.

7) Favorite food?
R: Bugs.
V: Applepie!
M: Little girls. Okay seriously applepie.
H: I like vegetables.
C: Beaf, fresh beaf.
L: Greasy meat *3*

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
R: Huh?
V: Could you repeat?
M: I told you guys, he's mad.
H: Can someone explain?
C: O.o
L: ...

9) Killed anyone?
R: Yeah.
V: Well, I don't usually kill people, but I hawe to zay yez.
M: I have killed everyone who I ever see.
H: Yes.
C: Yeah!
L: Too many.

10) Hate anyone?
R: All hate me, I hate everyone.
V: No, I don't
M: Hell yeah!
H: Two guys called Crit and Morna.
C: Horhtein.
L: No.

11) Any secrets?
R: Yap.
V: One big.
M: Many.
H: One or two.
C: Yes.
L: Everyone have their owns.

12) Love anyone?
All: Should I?

13) TACOS?**
R: Where?!?!?!
V: He'z talking about birds, I'm zure about that.
M: He's super stupid.
H: What in the name of the king?
C: Should I understand?
L: *conceals*

14) Ever slept in all day?
Morna: Every day.
Others: No, I don't think so.

15) Favorite show?**
R: He's even madder than I.
V: I'm no longer sure is he feeling okay.
M: Let's kill him.
H: Never mind.
C: I make him a beef.
L: *faint*

16) Favorite movie?**
R: I'm no longer mad I see.
V: He truely is mad.
M: Okay, now I will hit he.
H: Be quiet and don't move, or he is going to attack.
C: Can I eat him?
L: *faint again*

17) Favorite band?**
R: -.-
V: Next...
M: *hit*
H: -.-
C: -.-
L: *rise up, and faint again*

18) Eye Colors?
R: Red.
V: Brown.
M: Orange and deadly.
H: Blue.
C: Red, like death.
L: You know I have only one eye, and it's yellowgreen. T.T

19) Skin?
C: They're called scales.
L: You want to make me cry, don't you? T.T
Others: normal.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
H: Slim.
L: Whyyyy???!!!! *Cry hard*
Others: Average.

21) Rain, sunshine?
M,C,L: Rain.
H,V,R: Sunshine.

22) Pool, beach?
All: beach.

23) Camping, staying home?
H: staying home.
Others: camping.

24) Dog, cat?
All: Neither.

25) Believe in aliens?
R: Yep!
V: No.
M: No.
H: No.
C: Yes, of course, I saw them yesterday.
L: Noo...

26) Natural born, or clone?
All: Think that you idiot.

27) Car or ship?**
All: Smell.

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
All: Lot of things.

29) Any unusual things about you?
V&M: I'm twiceface.
C: Of course, I'm perfect!
R: As I told you, I'm lunatic.
H: I speak fast.
L: I'm monster with tail and claws, what did you think.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
All: Enough.

31) Favorite place?
R: Tree.
V: Place where is no night.
M: Place where night is forever.
H: Castle.
C: Mountains.
L: Caves.
Viimeksi muokannut Lotdow päivämäärä 06 Marras 2011, 14:58, muokattu yhteensä 1 kerran

ViestiKirjoittaja Ventus-setä » 05 Marras 2011, 13:42

Characters Chosen: Yoshi ja Hime

1) How old are you?
Yoshi: 14
Hime: 15

2) Height?
Yoshi: 150cm
Hime: 159cm

3) You got any bad habits?
Yoshi: Tykkään kiusata muita :3
Hime: Todellakin. Olen ilkeä.

4) You a virgin?
Yoshi: Olen
Hime: Vihjailetko jotakin? >3

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Yoshi: Ei kukaan.. Onneksi
Hime: Ei kukaan

6) Have any kids?
Yoshi: Olen liian nuori sellaiseen O_o
Hime: Mitä?! Ò_ó

7) Favorite food?
Yoshi: Kaikki herkut :3
Hime: Hmm.. En ole ihan varma

9) Killed anyone?
Yoshi: En todellakaan! Voisin kyllä suutuspäissäni tappaa jonkun...
Hime: Kyllä. Olen tappanut isäni.

10) Hate anyone?
Yoshi: En ainakaan usko
Hime: En tällä hetkellä, mutta ehkä jossain vaiheessa

11) Any secrets?
Yoshi: Ei minulla varmaan
Hime: Ei

12) Love anyone?
Yoshi: *Punast* E-en..
Hime: En

14) Ever slept in all day?
Yoshi: Joskus
Hime: En

18) Eye Colors?
Yoshi: Vaaleanliilat :3
Hime: Vaaleansiniset

19) Skin?
Yoshi: Vaalea ja siisti :3
Hime: Hyvin hoidettu, vaalea ja kaunis

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Yoshi: Öh.. Taidan olla aika laiha
Hime: Olen laiha! Epäiletkö jotakin? Ò_ó

21) Rain, sunshine?
Yoshi: Aurinkoooo~
Hime: Molemmat on hyviä

22) Pool, beach?
Yoshi: Uimaranta :3
Hime: Uimaranta

23) Camping, staying home?
Yoshi: Koti on kiva paikka. Mutta sitten joskus on ihan kiva mennä muuallekkin.
Hime: Koti

24) Dog, cat?
Yoshi: Molemmat :3
Hime: Kissa on parempi

25) Believe in aliens?
Yoshi: Kai.. Ne ovat kyllä todella pelottavia >.<
Hime: Joo

26) Natural born, or clone?
Yoshi: Luonnollisesti
Hime: Luonnollisesti

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Yoshi: En yleensä
Hime: Kyllä sitä nyt joskus sattuu.. >D

29) Any unusual things about you?
Yoshi: Hmm.. Ehkä hiusten ja silmien väri.
Hime: Ei ole.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Yoshi: Sen verran kun on tarve
Hime: En hirveästi. Juomista tarvitsen kyllä jonkin verran

31) Favorite place?
Yoshi: Koti :3
Hime: Mummon talo..

ViestiKirjoittaja Crimson » 07 Marras 2011, 13:07

Characters Chosen:

Iriador Mir Valdoren
Delathos NDrayer

1) How old are you?
Iriador: 106
Del: 210

2) Height?
Iriador: 183cm
Del: 189cm

3) You got any bad habits?
Iriador: No!
Del: Yes yes too many~

4) You a virgin?
Iriador: *___*
Del: Guess * naughty grin*

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Iriador: *facepalm* .. I dont have time for this!
Del: NO ONE!

6) Have any kids?
Iriador: No.
Del: No. Kids are annoying.

7) Favorite food?
Iriador: Fish or bird .. cant deside
Del: Everything goes~

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?
Iriador: Eeeeeh?! O.õ
Del: Tell me more about this mr. Ice Cream !

9) Killed anyone?
Iriador: Yup
Del: Guess how many *grins*

10) Hate anyone?
Iriador: No, not really .. wait a second! Morna! >8O
Del: I hate everybody :3

11) Any secrets?
Iriador: Nope
Del: Yes. Should I tell you? NO!

12) Love anyone?
Iriador: No
Del: *blush* .. NO!

13) TACOS?**
Iriador: What did you say? o.O
Del: Tacos? Mr. Tacos ? .. what the fuck is going on TELL ME!

14) Ever slept in all day?
Iriador: Yes
Del: No

15) Favorite show?**
Del: You mean .. like .. strip show or something? *3*

16) Favorite movie?**
Iriador: Well .. I gotta go!
Del: *Pulls Iriador back* You think you can just go and LEAVE ME ALONE HERE?

17) Favorite band?**
Iriador: ;____;
Del: MR. BAND! Wait what was the question?

18) Eye Colors?
Iriador: Grey
Del: Orange

19) Skin?
Iriador: Normal?
Del: Dark brown~

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Iriador: Slim
Del: Average

21) Rain, sunshine?
Iriador: Sunshine. I hate water >8(
Del: I dont really care~

22) Pool, beach?
Del: Whats wrong with you man? o.o .. EITHER!

23) Camping, staying home?
Iriador: Camping
Del: Camping

24) Dog, cat?
Iriador: Cat
Del: Dog. Those animals are obedient!

25) Believe in aliens?
Iriador: Nope. Nor Delathos.
Del: How do you actually know that, redhead? >8(

26) Natural born, or clone?
Iriador: Natural
Del: Natural

27) Car or ship?**
Iriador: NO! I SAID NO WATER!!!
Del: * punches* SHUT UP ALREADY! .. what is car??

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Iriador: Nope~
Del: *grin*

29) Any unusual things about you?
Iriador: *think think think*
Del: no.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Iriador: Not much..
Del: Not a lot .. but I like to eat B)

31) Favorite place?
Iriador: In the nature~ *3*
Del: Everywhere where I can get what I want!
Jumal Velho
Viestit: 4312
Liittynyt: 04 Syys 2011, 17:10
Paikkakunta: Void

ViestiKirjoittaja Ylva » 16 Marras 2011, 16:00

Characters Chosen: Nathala

1) How old are you?

2) Height?

3) You got any bad habits?
Well, I smoke, but that doesen't have any bad influence on me.

4) You a virgin?
Yes, believe it or not.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Have none, yet, maybe never will be.

6) Have any kids?
Thank gods no.

7) Favorite food?
Meat, raw meat.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
vanilj, we had that in my home country.

9) Killed anyone?

10) Hate anyone?
Humans in some way. But don't know if I called it hate.

11) Any secrets?
Haven't we all?

12) Love anyone?
Love? I don't really have anyone to love anymore.

13) TACOS?**
Say what?

14) Ever slept in all day?
Oh yes, my favorite thing in world.

15) Favorite show?**
Show? Like on act? Don't really have, most I have seen are too long.

16) Favorite movie?**
Dunno what you mean.

17) Favorite band?**
That sounds funny.

18) Eye Colors?

19) Skin?
Skin...black I think haven't really check it out.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
People say slim.

21) Rain, sunshine?
Neather, sunshine is so bright and in rain I start to smell like wet dog...

22) Pool, beach?
It's the same to my.

23) Camping, staying home?

24) Dog, cat?
That's hard, I should say dogs, but I do like cats too.

25) Believe in aliens?
Aliens? Some race? Sure.

26) Natural born, or clone?
Heh, natural born or neather. It depends how you look into it.

27) Car or ship?**
Whats car?

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?

29) Any unusual things about you?
Define unusual.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
I don't know, enough.

31) Favorite place?
Home, if I get one.

ViestiKirjoittaja Pappis » 20 Marras 2011, 12:45

Characters Chosen:

1) How old are you?
Oscar: 32 years
Lucas: 19

2) Height?
Oscar: 178 m
Lucas: 1,79 m tall
Nion: ...1,68 m...*glares the other two*

3) You got any bad habits?
Oscar: NO! What makes you think I HAVE ANY BAD HABBITS???
Lucas: Some say that I snore...
Nion: Should I make a list or something...?

4) You a virgin?
Oscar: No.
Lucas: .......I'd rather not answer...
Nion: Well... Not anymore...

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Oscar: I don't have one!
Lucas: Loryen, I guess, but... Well, you know.
Nion: Still single.

6) Have any kids?
Oscar: Thank god, NO!
Lucas: What's wrong with these questions?
Nion: No.

7) Favorite food?
Oscar: Steak
Lucas: Stew
Nion: Vegetable gratin

9) Killed anyone?
Oscar: Couple of humans*grin*
Lucas: No!
Nion: Well, there were those guardsmen, but I think everyone survived...

10) Hate anyone?
Oscar: Want a list?
Lucas: Witch, who cursed me. Curse her....!
Nion: Well, you can't like everyone...(can't think up names thought)

11) Any secrets?
Oscar: Mind your own business!
Lucas: oneaboutsizeofonefemaleelf.
Nion: Of course I have!

12) Love anyone?
Oscar: My job.
Lucas: My parents(rest in peace) and Loryen...
Nion: My family...

13) TACOS?**
Oscar: WHAT?
Lucas: Excuse me??
Nion: Yes please!

14) Ever slept in all day?
Oscar: Yes.
Lucas:One time I was going to but then I had to wake up.
Nion: No. I haven't been allowed to do that...

18) Eye Colors?
Oscar: Dark orange
Lucas: Green.
Nion: Brown reddish

19) Skin?
Oscar: White
Lucas: White
Nion: Dark

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Oscar: Average
Lucas: Almost average
Nion: Average

21) Rain, sunshine?
Oscar: Rain
Lucas: Sunshine, I guess
Nion: Rain is nice but so is sunshine.

22) Pool, beach?
Oscar: Wha...?
Lucas: Beach........
Nion: Library.

23) Camping, staying home?
Oscar: Home
Nion: Home

24) Dog, cat?
Oscar: Dog...
Lucas: Wolf
Nion: Cat's are beautiful creatures.

25) Believe in aliens?
Oscar: ....Kinda...
Lucas: There is life out there??? Whoaaaa?
Nion: Well since it hasn't been proven, it's hard to say.

26) Natural born, or clone?
Oscar: What the hell is clone?
Lucas: I dunno?
Nion: n00bs...

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Oscar: Want a list?
Lucas: Once perhaps.
Nion: ....Coupleoftimes....

29) Any unusual things about you?
Oscar: I can control my own blood.
Lucas: I'm cursed.
Nion: I'm a shameful stain on ar'Morthes pride...

ViestiKirjoittaja Forte » 14 Tammi 2012, 13:46

Characters Chosen:
1. Rohendiron
2. Rimedur
3. Acar

1) How old are you?
1. A few hundred years, just a boy for an elf.
2. I have no idea, really.
3. Not too old.

2) Height?
1. 190cm
2. 189cm. Damn it, Rohendiron! Just 2cm more!
3. Almost 3 meters.

3) You got any bad habits?
1. Not really, i'm pretty good man. Well, i love anything sweet, honey, sugar, you name it. I could live just a sugar covered fruits.
2. Not that i can think of..I don't drink, i don't smoke anything.
3. Well i have a bad tempeture, but not really bad habits.

4) You a virgin?
1. How that knowledge is going to make your life better? But no.
2. ..... *blush*
3. Well i have cubs, so you can think about it.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
1. Don't have.
2. Me neither.
3. My lovely mate, Zara.

6) Have any kids?
1. Not yet, i have already annoying baby-brother. He is a kid enough.
2. No, i'm cross-blooded, so i don't know if i can make children.
3. Yes, beautiful creatures.

7) Favorite food?
1. Sugar covered fruits.
2. Seafood.
3. Fresh meat.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
1, 2 and 3: ....what?

9) Killed anyone?
1. Yes.
2. Me? No! Never! Not even a spider.
3. Heck yeah...

10) Hate anyone?
1. Well hate is so strong word. But i dislike humans.
2. Oh no, i'm too gentle to hate.
3. Yes, humans.

11) Any secrets?
1. Why should i tell those to you?
2. Well we all have our little secrets, right?
3. Hmph..

12) Love anyone?
1. I love my family and friends.
2. I'm not so sure do you mean like lover or a family or something like music.
2. My mate.

13) TACOS?**
1. Who is making these silly questions?
2 and 3: ...........

14) Ever slept in all day?
1. No that i can remember. I have always something to do.
2. Yes, i really like those days.
3. Somethimes.

15) Favorite show?**

16) Favorite movie?**

17) Favorite band?**
2. I like music!
1. Shut up, Rimedur...

18) Eye Colors?
1. Dark brown.
2. Purple.
3. Yellow.

19) Skin?
1. Pretty pale, not like white but..well..you know.
2. Black and white. I look like some sort of cat.
3. Different colors of brown.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
1. Average.
2. Slim.
3. Average, muscular.

21) Rain, sunshine?
1. I like rain when i'm inside and sunshine when i'm outside.
2. Both.
3. Sunshine.

22) Pool, beach?
1. Don't know.
2. Maybe...beach.
3. Is there some different between those?

23) Camping, staying home?
1. I like camping, but because of my job, i need to mostly stay home.
2. Staying home.
3. Don't care, both are fine.

24) Dog, cat?
1. Dog.
2. Cat.
3. Both taste horrible.

25) Believe in aliens?
1. Never really think about it, but i believe that there is some kind of power in the sky, some god or something what is keeping all this in harmony.
2. If you see me, you can't do nothing but believe.
3. Nope.

26) Natural born, or clone?
1 and 3: Natural.
2. Natural, i hope...

27) Car or ship?**

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
1. Yeah. I don't wanna talk about it..
2. No. Not yet. Hopefully never. I don't wanna hurt anybody.
3. Oh yes, and i loved it.

29) Any unusual things about you?
1. I have a one eye.
2. Everything in me is unusual. My skin, tail, teeth...
3. No, i'm just normal old lacerta.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
1. I can be without food for days.
2. One meal is good.
3. I need to feed every two or three day.

31) Favorite place?
1. Forest.
2. There is no place like home.
3. Anywhere with my mate.

ViestiKirjoittaja harlekiini » 18 Tammi 2012, 20:24

Characters chosen:
Fareos Rilynn'dlues

1) How old are you?
Fareos: Around three hundred.
Tsytan: Old enough to be mature, young enough to be good looking.

2) Height?
Fareos: 58 feet.
Tsytan: Im tall enough, thank you.

3) You got any bad habits?
Fareos: Do you think thats any of your business?
Tsytan: Oh, yes, I do admit that.

4) You a virgin?
Fareos: Well THATS definitely none of your business!
Tsytan: No, Im an experienced man, my dear.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Fareos: What makes you think Id have one? Im perfectly fine on my own.
Tsytan: I regret to say that I have not yet found the love of my life.

6) Have any kids?
Fareos: For breakfast.
Tsytan: Offsprings are not what I would have time or interested for at this moment.

7) Favorite food?
Fareos: Game.
Tsytan: I enjoy foreign food.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Fareos: Favourite what?
Tsytan: I do like cream, but Ive never thought of combining it with ice.

9) Killed anyone?
Fareos: Yes, many times.
Tsytan: It was nothing but good business.

10) Hate anyone?
Fareos: Everyone. Mostly.
Tsytan: Well, I do find most people displeasing.

11) Any secrets?
Fareos: None of your business.
Tsytan: Every man has his secrets, love, but if I told you it wouldnt be a secret anymore, would it?

12) Love anyone?
Fareos: .what makes you think I would?
Tsytan: Oh, no.

13) TACOS?**
Fareos: Tac--?
Tsytan: Well, this does sound foreign.

14) Ever slept in all day?
Fareos: I cannot, there are predators even more dangerous than I am, nor have I reason to waste my time.
Tsytan: A couple of times. I hardly find it refreshing enough.

( 15-17 SKIPPED)

18) Eye Colors?
Fareos: Blueish-black.
Tsytan: Red.

19) Skin?
Fareos: Dark.
Tsytan: Slightly darken than usual, I suppose.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Fareos: You must be joking.
Tsytan: Im glad to inform you that this body is in excellent shape.

21) Rain, sunshine?
Fareos: Neither.
Tsytan: Sunshine.

22) Pool, beach?
Fareos: Forests and mountains.
Tsytan: Beaches do have their own charm.

23) Camping, staying home?
Fareos: What home?
Tsytan: Camping, for I do not yet have a place to call my own.

24) Dog, cat?
Fareos: Cat.
Tsytan: Dog.

25) Believe in aliens?
Fareos: Believe in? If you mean godsI dare not say anything.
Tsytan: I cannot say they didnt exist, but also not that they would.

26) Natural born, or clone?
Fareos: Natural.
Tsytan: Oh, this is a question I cannot answer for I do not know!

27) Car or ship? **
Fareos: I prefer walking, yet I sometimes choose to ride.
Tsytan: My own precious feet are good enough.

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Fareos: Many times.
Tsytan: Yes, I have.

29) Any unusual things about you?
Fareos: Would you care to find out?
Tsytan: My very existence is close to unusual, I suppose.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Fareos: Slightly more than enough to keep me going and in case I wont find any game next day.
Tsytan: Just enough.

31) Favorite place?
Fareos: I do enjoy the forest and the mountains.
Tsytan: Crypt in itself is magnicifent.

ViestiKirjoittaja Demintty » 21 Tammi 2012, 19:35

Characters Chosen:

1) How old are you?
Clara: 21
Hira: 23, tai no 238..

2) Height?
Clara:Tarpeeksi pitkä.
Hira: Riippu kuinka pitkä haluan olla

3) You got any bad habits?
Clara: Huudan helposti..
Hira: En tiedä..Huijaan usein?

4) You a virgin?
Clarina: Ja nyt haluat varmaan turpaan?En ole..
Hira: En ole.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Clara: En ole varma..
Hira: Pärjään yksinkin.

6) Have any kids?
Clara: Vain haaveissani.
Hira: Ei ole..

7) Favorite food?
Clara: Kuivaliha uskoisin.
Hira: Kaikki liha käy

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Clara: jää..mikä?
Hira: Pidän kyllä jäästä jos sitä tarkoitat.

9) Killed anyone?
Clara: Hulluksiko minua luulet?
Hira: Eläimiä kyllä!

10) Hate anyone?
Clara: Joitakin miehiä
Hira: En tietääkseni ketään vihaa..

11) Any secrets?
Clara: EIkö sinulla sitten ole kun noin urkit??
Hira: Tottakai on.

12) Love anyone?
Claria: En ole varma onko se molemmin puoleista joten epäilen pahasti että en rakasta..
Hira: En rakasta en.

13) TACOS?**
Clara: Hauska sana!Mitä se tarkoittaa..?
Hira: KErtoisitkot minullekkin?

14) Ever slept in all day?
Clara: Pitäisikö minun tietää?
Hira: Olen..

15) Favorite show?**

16) Favorite movie?**

17) Favorite band?**

18) Eye Colors?
Clara: Ruskeat
Hira: Muistaakseni siniset?

19) Skin?
Clara: Vaalea
Hira: Tämä on ihoa jos et tiennyt*näyttää kättään, sitten naurua* Joo joo vaaleahan se on

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Clara: Kaikki sanovat että olen laiha..En usko sitä!
Hira: Laiha minun mielestäni, se on sitten toinen ehkä toisten silmistä..

21) Rain, sunshine?
Clara: Riippuu mielialasta..
Hira: Kummatkin!

22) Pool, beach?
Clara: Ömm...Onko niillä nyt eroa?
Hira: Ihan sama, päätä sinä.

23) Camping, staying home?
Clara: Kotona pysyn. Tai no riippuu oikeastaan niillä vaiheilla.
Hira: Ulos menen tietenkin.

24) Dog, cat?
Clara: Kissa.
Hira: Kissa.

25) Believe in aliens?
Clara: ONkolisää tyhmiä kysymyksiä?
Hira: En ole sen enempää ajatellut, ei ole ollut tarvetta.

26) Natural born, or clone?
Clara: öö.. luonnollinen
Hira: samat sanat.

27) Car or ship?**

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Clara: Joudunko toistamaan: Hulluksiko minua luulet?
Hira: En.
29) Any unusual things about you?
Clara: Ei ki ole..
Hira: Osaan kyllä luoda itselleni sellaisia, haluatko nähdä?

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Clara: En paljoa kumpaakaan, olen tottunut vähään määrään joten sillä mennään..
Hira: Saan joka päivä sen tarvittavan, eli päiväksi noin...En tiedä riippuu vähän..

31) Favorite place?
Clara: Jonkun ihanan ihmisen seura vaan riittää, ei sen enempää..
Hira: Metsä ja sen kaikki pinetkin kolkat.

ViestiKirjoittaja Lotdow » 05 Tammi 2013, 14:49

Lisää hahmoja, joten lisää vastauksia :D

Characters Chosen: Paderdor, Ascaris, Occoe, Aerdirnaithon

1) How old are you?
P: 4
A: I don't even remember anymore, over 300?
O: Oh my, I have never counted.
Aer: I am a man in a perfect age.

2) Height?
P: Short?
A: Normal? Maybe?
O: Well, for oocca, I am pretty tall bird!
Aer: You know, my brother and I use to say; it's not height you need to be a handsome.

3) You got any bad habits?
P: Don't really know, people just say that I easily forget things. But I don't remember had forget anything?
A: No. Nothing.
O: I snore..
Aer: Men like me, we can't have bad habits.

4) You a virgin?
P: What's a virgin?
A: Yes. No. Maybe?
O: /)O_O(\
Aer: Heh, well now when you mention it...

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
P: If I have one, I don't remember her.
A: No one. I like to live alone.
O: Don't have.
Aer: I could have sooo many, but you know. Young man needs his freedom.

6) Have any kids?
P: Nah.
A: No.
O: Not yet, but maybe some day, I will.
Aer: Nope.

7) Favorite food?
P: I like bats the best.
A: Caviar, what did you expect?
O: Seeds!
Aer: Hmm, fish is good. Maybe salmon?

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
P: Didn't get the joke.
A: Are you trying to fool me?
O: :/ I don't follow.
Aer: Flavor? Maybe somekind of fruit?

9) Killed anyone?
P: Of course not!
A: Are kidding me? Of course, go and see my wall of heads.
O: Good heavens, no!
Aer: Nah, not my style.

10) Hate anyone?
P: I don't remember anyone I could hate.
A: Many people.
O: No, no. People around are so nice.
Aer: You can't love everyone.

11) Any secrets?
P: No, not at all.
A: Yes.
O: I don't like secrets.
Aer: It makes man look better if he has little secrets.

12) Love anyone?
P: You!
A: No.
O: I love my master.
Aer: I love people around me.

13) TACOS?**
P: ...?
A: >:/
O: What's where?
Aer: Ahahaha! Good one.

14) Ever slept in all day?
P: Yes, yes!
A: Once.
O: I don't have time to sleep such a long time.
Aer: Sounds like a plan to me.

15) Favorite show?**
P: :D ?
A: >8/
O: ...
Aer: My own performance?

16) Favorite movie?**
P: What's happening? :D
A: Krhm, just keep calm.
O: ...
Aer: Hard question, let's skip it.

17) Favorite band?**
P: :D You lost me.
A: Alright then, you shall be next victim to my group.
O: ..? I wonder what he's trying to tell.
Aer: Can we go back to normal questions?

18) Eye Colors?
P: Can you tell me that?
A: Let's see. Some green, blue, yellow, black, white, red, purple, rainbow...
O: Between red and brown.
Aer: Brown and sweet.

19) Skin?
P: Fur coat.
A: Scales or skin, doesn't really matter.
O: Feathers.
Aer: Smooth B)

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
P: Fat :D
A: Average?
O: Umm.. Average?
Aer: Whatever you like me to be, right? ~o~

21) Rain, sunshine?
P: Rain, sun's not good.
A: Rain makes me feel down, but sunshine burns skin and hair.
O: Sunshine!
Aer: My brother and I use to say: No matter the weather, we'll play forever.

22) Pool, beach?
P: Beach?
A: Beach.
O: Doesn't really matter, I suppose?
Aer: To the beach, ladies!

23) Camping, staying home?
P: Staying home, I love my home.
A: Camping in middle of nowhere.
O: Staying home.
Aer: No matter the place, Aerdirnaithon is ready to go!

24) Dog, cat?
P: Dog! Doggies are my best friends!
A: Neither. Dirty animals only ruins my beautiful home.
O: I don't like big animals. And cat's only try to eat me D:
Aer: Dog is man's best friend.

25) Believe in aliens?
P: Yes! 8o
A: No?
O: No.
Aer: Hah, no.

26) Natural born, or clone?
P: Natural. What's clone?
A: Natural, what did you expect?
O: Natural, natural.
Aer: There can't be two men like me.

27) Car or ship?**
P: :o Another riddle?
A: I won't answer that.
O: ...
Aer: Aaahh.....?

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
P: Don't think so.
A: Once.
O: No, no, no.
Aer: I keep calm.

29) Any unusual things about you?
P: Amnesia?
A: Many things.
O: Oh, I am just a normal little oocca.
Aer: I am the most wanted man in the Crypt, I have awesome hair, perfect body and everyone loves me.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
P: Much. Food is good.
A: No less, no more.
O: 3 meals in a day keeps doctors away.
Aer: Can't say for sure.

31) Favorite place?
P: Home sweet home.
A: Lonely place, where can just be.
O: On my master's side.
Aer: Town, where I can get the ladies ( B)

ViestiKirjoittaja Bizara » 05 Tammi 2013, 15:52

Characters Chosen:

1) How old are you?
Revian: 34. I still cant believe I´m THAT old.
Urlin: I... I Really cant seem to... Know...

2) Height?
Revian: About 180, more or less.
Urlin: Oh, that isn´t a problem, I can be how tall I want.

3) You got any bad habits?
Revian: Naaaw... I´m just too blunt, that´s what I´ve been told many times.
Urlin: They say I should try to control myself what it comes to burying things...

4) You a virgin?
Revian: Ooooh. I´ve had some gooood times, so not.
Urlin: ... I... Really... Yes.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Revian: I dont have any, but I have my eyes on one woman <3
Urlin: I dont need one. Not anymore. Not after Jocelyn...

6) Have any kids?
Revian: Nope.
Urlin: ... I dont think so...?

7) Favorite food?
Revian: Oh, I´ll love everything as long as I´m not the one doing it!
Urlin: I really like fruits and berries...

9) Killed anyone?
Revian: Nope, I dont like to fight.
Urlin: No. NO! I dont kill anyone, I just bury them!

10) Hate anyone?
Revian: Well, I have this one annoying "friend"...
Urlin: YES. Or... No, hate is too strong word for me... But I really, really, REALLY dislike this one raccoon man at the moment.

11) Any secrets?
Revian: Aaaa... Nope.
Urlin: *with a really small voice* There is a tree inside my house. Please dont tell anyone. I need it to live.

12) Love anyone?
Revian: Yep! We only met once but... I really liked her ever since.
Urlin: Well... Jocelyn... But... There was some problems with that and...

14) Ever slept in all day?
Revian: Oooh yes.
Urlin: Aaa... Basicly... I dont do this... Sleeping...

18) Eye Colors?
Revian: As you can clearly see, my eyes are blue! Cold blue, to be specific.
Urlin: Well, they are quite deep green now, but if I want they can be anything... But I prefer clear clolors.

19) Skin?
Revian: Tanned at parts, scaly and bluish at parts.
Urlin: As I said... Anything I want. Still, I really like how tanned people look...

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Revian: I wouldn´t call my self avarage, so... Muscular?
Urlin: Whatever I like, usually I like avarage.

21) Rain, sunshine?
Revian: Rain, please. Too much sunshine dries my scales.
Urlin: I... I like both, really...

22) Pool, beach?
Revian: I´m a freahwater fish, I cant handle the salt... And I only enjoy water as a fish. So pool it is.
Urlin: I cant seem to be interested in swimming, sorry.

23) Camping, staying home?
Revian: I dont like eather. I like going out to chat and hit on woman!
Urlin: I´ll just choose to stay home with my Tree and my hedgehog, please.

24) Dog, cat?
Revian: Dog! All thought cats really seem to like my scales...
Urlin: Hedgehog, please. Can I choose hedgehog? Please?

25) Believe in aliens?
Revian: Well, I dont know if there are "aliens"... But I didn´t know there were elfes eather and there they were all the time! So why not?
Urlin: .. Please, tell me more about those. I really dont know...

26) Natural born, or clone?
Revian: ... Just because I have scales doesn´t mean I´m some kind of monster!
Urlin: I... I really cant... I dont know.

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Revian: Nope. I´m perfectly capable of handeling myself!
Urlin: No, I really dont like doing something like that...

29) Any unusual things about you?
Revian: Well... I can turn into a fish because my father was cursed? I have a frigging fishing hook on my lip?
Urlin: Well... You could say... I´m a tree?

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Revian: Some say much, I say too little.
Urlin: Aaaa... There is really no need for me to eat, so...

31) Favorite place?
Revian: Someplace where I cant eat, chat and hit on woman. Perfect.
Urlin: My house. The room where my Tree is, if I must be specific.

Well dat was fun .w.

ViestiKirjoittaja Aksutar » 05 Tammi 2013, 18:33

Koska tylsää ja pakko tehdä jotain rakentavaa päivässä. Joten teenpä uusintana muutaman ja pari uutta. Koska voin.
Pahoittelen kakkaista englantia mutta eihän sitä opi ellei opettele.

Characters Chosen:
Darius Winder
Henry Scarlington
Lily Scarlington
Constantine Fritz
Erudessa Cúthalion (Idhrenniel)
Raella Thornhelm
Shiloh Jadon

1) How old are you?
Darius: Old enough to live alone. Too young to be father.
Henry: Too young to be king, I assume. oh he is so young
Lily: It is rude to ask woman's age
Constantine: Too old for this s*it
Erudessa: I wonder why you want know that?
Perian: Young and pretty!
Hecate: Hecate has fingers!
Raella: About 20 years!
Shiloh: Even I dont know that But I guess Im really old.

2) Height?
Darius: Taller than you I bet.
Henry: 177 cm
Lily: 167 cm
Constantine: Tall enough!
Erudessa: Guess.
Perian: Exactly the same as princess Scarlington. Tho Im prettier, right?
Hecate: Hecate also has nose!
Raella: Oh thanks, remind me again how short I am!
Shiloh: about 190 cm I guess

3) You got any bad habits?
Darius: Not at all! (drinking, workaholic)
Henry: I don't judge any creature by their race... It seems to be bad habit to the king.
Lily : Ofc not! Im princess, I wouldnt have that kind of things. *LIESLIESLIES*
Constantine: Well I guess I could drink less.
Erudessa: Does the Icy bitch mode count as bad habit?
Perian: No! Ofc not! How could you even ask that! (thief, scammer, charmer)
Hecate: Hecate accidentally curses things >:
Raella: Weeelll I guess I should be lil more like princess and stop fooling around, ye?
Shiloh: No. (He actually doesnt have)

4) You a virgin?
Darius: No. Im over 400 years old, you really think I could stay virgin that long?
Henry: Noooo.
Lily: No.
Constantine: Yeah, sure, those kids of mine just popped out somewhere.
Erudessa: Yes. I havent had any kind of need to lose my virginity yet.
Perian: *giggle* No you silly. Im servant in every way
Hecate: <: *picks her nose*
Raella: Yeah. Need to save miself to marriage!
Shiloh: Yes. I guess. At least in this life. Not sure the past one

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Darius: I dont have any and if you think I have youre wrong. (He have secret affair with Iriador)
Henry: Kerensa. God I love her!
Lily: Hans Black.
Constantine: twist the knife in wound will ya
Erudessa: Count Arethdriel Cúthalion.
Perian: Me, Myself and I.
Hecate: Mr. Goat it must be! Mr. faun! (doesnt really have any. But let the lil one dream)
Raella: No one yet. Im waiting the prince charming to come!
Shiloh: I dont have any.

6) Have any kids?
Darius: hopefully not.
Henry: No. Not yet at least kids would be fun Ill talk about this with my wife.
Lily: Only one adopted one. (She have one bastard son)
Constantine: One, two, three, four There can never be too many!
Erudessa: Not yet. But as a countess I guess there will be (Not sure if want to tho)
Perian: I guess not. As said, Im not virgin but Im not quite sure am I capable to breed with the bed mates I have had
Hecate: Hecate has no puppies <:
Raella: Nope, still virgin.
Shiloh: Not sure. Again, not in this life. Maybe I had in past one. Thats kinda interesting idea

7) Favorite food?
Darius: I like seafood for some reason
Henry: Anything goes. Im not too picky.
Lily: Dont really have any can we count chocolate?
Constantine: Roasted, juicy beef with beer. God damn it Im hungry!
Erudessa: Bird.
Perian: I fancy anything thats good and sweet.
Hecate: Huh? *eating lil bird, feathers just fly around*
Raella: That must be pork! Or wild hog!
Shiloh: I dont actually eat anything to stay alive but honey bread is tasty.

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Darius: ..
Henry: This is the thing where you pour juice on crushed ice?
Lily: Umnh not sure what that is?
Constantine: Some fancy elven food, huh?
Erudessa: Never tasted who would eat ice?
Perian: Sounds delicious, can I have some?
Hecate: Ice is cold.
Raella: .
Shiloh: ..

9) Killed anyone?
Darius: Thats kinda my job
Henry: Am I bad king if I say no?
Lily: No!
Constantine: Aaand proud of it!
Erudessa: I have to say yes.. but It was me or them.
Perian: Nononono, Blood is so messy.
Raella: Nope. But I would like to take part of wild hog hunt!
Shiloh: Unfortunately. May they rest in peace.

10) Hate anyone?
Darius: You should ask is there anyone I dont hate.
Henry: Yes. Aran youll pay what you did. And your red devil too!
Lily: Yeah few person
Constantine: All the elves and freaks and god forsaken creatures!
Erudessa: Humans mostly. They seem to be so arrogant.
Perian: No, not really. I like to share the love. Make love, not war. that would be my motto!
Hecate: Every mean person Hecate has seen >:|
Raella: I cant say I reaaally hate somebody at the moment. There is peeps I dont like tho
Shiloh: I rather not hate anyone, but sometimes that happens.

11) Any secrets?
Darius: No. Why you ask? Did you hear something? Whatever they say it is not true!
Henry: Few but every king have secrets, right?
Lily: Yes. Big ones.
Constantine: Maybe there is few secrets that I rather not tell to anyone.
Erudessa: There are some
Perian: Ofc not, why would I keep secrets when theyre so fun to share? Sharing is caring you know!
Hecate: <.< >.>. Hecate has ten toes!
Raella: Maaybe!
Shiloh: I have to keep my true form hidden when among the humans. So I guess that would be only secret I have.

12) Love anyone?
Darius: Ofc I love someone, like my sisters and my job and. myself. (Loves his mate more than anything but shhh, its a secrets!)
Henry: Yes. My wife and sister and lil Ane. How can you not love Ane? Shes so cute!
Lily: Yes.
Erudessa: Yes, tho I didnt know I can feel this way
Perian: Why myself ofc!
Hecate: Hecate loves round objects!
Raella: Mi daddy! But the love of my life is still somewhere
Shiloh: I love everyone equally.

13) TACOS?**
Darius: What was?
Henry: . That better not be what Im thinking
Lily: . Elven word?
Constantine: Something to eat? Sure Ill give it a try.
Erudessa: I dont even
Perian: Sounds kinky, lets do it.
Hecate: Socat
Raella: Is there something ye wanna tell to me?
Shiloh: umn

14) Ever slept in all day?
Darius: No. Time is money and I have job to do.
Henry: Yeeaah.
Lily: Well maybe few times.
Constantine: There is no time for sleeping! Tho Im getting too old.. old peeps need naps
Erudessa: No..
Perian: Yes, many times, when my master just wanted to lay there next to me.
Hecate: Hecate can sleep all day?!
Raella: After heavy drinking night it is good to take long naps.
Shiloh: No. I dont sleep at all.

(Skiiip 15-17)

18) Eye Colors?
Darius: Eye s. Yellow
Henry: Brown
Lily: green
Constantine: Gray. Like my hair soon.
Erudessa: ice blue.
Perian: Oh I dont know. Why dont you come over here and check it? Really, really closely?
Hecate: HECATE HAS EYES?! (Dont tell it that eyes are kinda round objects. It will tear them off)
Raella: Green.
Shiloh: Blue.

19) Skin?
Darius: Yes, I have skin.
Henry: Light, lil tan.
Lily: Light
Constantine: I got lil tan.
Erudessa: Pale.
Perian: White. Isnt it beautiful?
Hecate: *eating her own hand*
Raella: Paleish.
Shiloh: Light.

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Darius: in good condition
Henry: I guess slim Oh come on boy, your father had muscles where is yours! Can you even lift that sword of yours?!
Lily: Slim I guess?
Constantine: Macho
Erudessa: Slim
Perian: Beautiful
Hecate: Hecate is chubby <:
Raella: Average
Shiloh: Average

21) Rain, sunshine?
Darius: Doesnt matter, the job will be done.
Henry: Sunshine is nice.
Lily: Sunshine
Constantine: Rain is more fun when youre killing dragons.
Erudessa: Sunshine.
Perian: Sunshine, tho I need to stay in shadow. I dont wanna get any ugly tan.
Hecate: *runs around the forest*
Raella: Sunshine would be nice.
Shiloh: Both are fine. But sunshine is better when outside.

22) Pool, beach?
Darius: Pool.
Henry: Beach.
Lily: Both are fine.
Constantine: Beach. The smell of the ocean is great.
Erudessa: Havent been on beach really so I guess I should try that.
Perian: Pool. Beach is nasty! There is sand and and dirt.
Hecate: *drowning in lake*
Raella: bathtub.
Shiloh: Both are fine.

23) Camping, staying home?
Darius: Camping means working and working is fun.
Henry: Camping oh I would give anything to get camping again
Lily: Home home is good. Yes
Constantine: Both have their own charm.
Erudessa: Home.
Perian: Camping?! Are you mad?!
Hecate: *got out of the lake with fish and now is eating it*
Raella: Camping! To the adventure!
Shiloh: Anywhere Im needed.

24) Dog, cat?
Darius: Dog. Cats are useless.
Henry: Both are nice. But I would rather take dog just because my sister hates cats.
Lily: Dog. I hate cats. Theyre planning something evil
Constantine: unnecessary creatures.. but dogs can be good pets sometimes. If youre hunter or need guard dog.
Erudessa: Both are good, but I rather take cat It would actually be nice come home and sit there and wait till the kitty comes on your lap.
Perian: Why not me? I would be perfect pet.
Hecate: Hecate can eat them?
Raella: Why not both?
Shiloh: Animals are great joy bringers.. but Ill leave them to Sullivan. He knows how to take care of them.

25) Believe in aliens?
Darius: Not sure.. I guess
Henry: Yes
Lily: nooooo
Constantine: Surely there are!
Erudessa: Why not?
Perian: I believe in myself.
Hecate: Mr. goat was alien. (Mr. goat = Atrevaux Argentus)
Raella: Maybe.

26) Natural born, or clone?
Darius: .
Henry: When mommy and daddy loves each others..
Constantine: WITCHCRAFT?!
Erudessa: ..
Perian: came out of my mothers vajayjay if thats what youre asking.
Hecate: Hecate just was there <:
Raella: eh
Shiloh: Well how do angels born?

27) Car or ship?**
Darius: Car?
Henry: Can I choose my griffin?
Lily: Horseless carriage?
Constantine: WITCHCRAFT?!
Erudessa: .
Perian: I rather just stay here, thank you.
Hecate: Hecate can fly!
Raella: I wanna see the seas!
Shiloh: I rather walk.

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Darius: That happens.
Henry: I rather build than destroy.
Lily: Once. That was pretty dress tho >:
Constantine: Sometimes.
Erudessa: Not really
Perian: I never rage. Rage doesnt fit on my face.
Hecate: RAWR!
Raella: No.
Shiloh: Never.

29) Any unusual things about you?
Darius: My eyeseye
Henry: . one leg?
Lily: Im princess?
Constantine: Handsome as hell.
Erudessa: Not really.
Perian: Me. Im unusual, unique and pretty.
Hecate: C:
Raella: Noot really.
Shiloh: Im angel.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Darius: Not much.
Henry: I dont know!
Lily: Enough.
Constantine: Lots! Big man needs big meals!
Erudessa: Not much.
Perian: I cant eat much, I need to watch my figures.
Hecate: *eats again. This time worms*
Raella: I eat whenever Im hungry!
Shiloh: Not at all.

31) Favorite place?
Darius: Where ever I can do my job.
Henry: forest.
Lily: Home
Constantine: Among humans.
Erudessa: Home.
Perian: Somewhere clean away from fires.
Hecate: Hecate likes forest :>
Raella: to the adventure!
Shiloh: Wherever Im needed.
Viimeksi muokannut Aksutar päivämäärä 05 Tammi 2013, 18:45, muokattu yhteensä 1 kerran
Viestit: 14829
Liittynyt: 23 Marras 2007, 14:47
Paikkakunta: Crypt

ViestiKirjoittaja Pappis » 05 Tammi 2013, 18:38

Characters Chosen:

1) How old are you?
Bat: I'd say over 30 years.
Mäyrä: Almost forty.
Ofelia: A gentleman does not ask ladys age, are you not aware of that?

2) Height?
Bat: Err... 170 cm?
Mäyrä: Unfortunately over 180 cm.
Ofelia: I'm only 161 cm, but it's fine.

3) You got any bad habits?
Bat: Question is, do you have any bad habits?
Mäyrä: Is this an interrogation?
Ofelia: I might enjoy hurting people. *smile*

4) You a virgin?
Bat: You clearly are.
Mäyrä: No.
Ofelia: Do you want to find out?

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Bat: My dear Ra'an<3
Mäyrä: My beloved wife, Leanne.
Ofelia: I have no need for a man. I can take care of myself.

6) Have any kids?
Bat: Only Ra'an, that lill' darlin'.
Mäyrä: Grey. He is my son and he shall inherit my name.
Ofelia: I cannot bear a child, you heartless son of a bitch.

7) Favorite food?
Bat: Bread and wine!
Mäyrä: Don't have one.
Ofelia: Something simple and cultivated.

9) Killed anyone?
Bat: I'm not confessin' anythin'!
Mäyrä: Unfortunately, yes.
Ofelia: I might have.

10) Hate anyone?
Bat: Oh, that bloody brother of mine! I wish he wa-
Mäyrä: It's always nice to see you too, dear brother. I don't hate particularly anyone, but I can't say I like humans either.
Ofelia: Not that any of them is alive for all I care.

11) Any secrets?
Bat: Maybe a few.
Mäyrä: .....
Ofelia: None of your business.

12) Love anyone?
Bat: Only one true love<3
Mäyrä: ....My wife and my son.
Ofelia: My precious ones. They would even die for me.

14) Ever slept in all day?
Bat: Always when I have a change.
Mäyrä: Once, when I was injured.
Ofelia: I don't need that much sleep to stay pretty.

18) Eye Colors?
Bat: Brown.
Mäyrä: Brown.
Ofelia: Dark blue.

19) Skin?
Bat: Old and wrinkly.
Mäyrä: I see no sense in this question.
Ofelia: Beautiful and smooth<3

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Bat: Slim.
Mäyrä: Average.
Ofelia: Slim, of course.

21) Rain, sunshine?
Bat: Ra'an enjoys sunshine so...
Mäyrä: I prefer cloudy.
Ofelia: Rain, because I love the scent of the air before and after it.

23) Camping, staying home?
Bat: Both.
Mäyrä: I have no time to camp nor to stay at home.
Ofelia: I prefer staying at home.

24) Dog, cat?
Bat: A mandrake.
Mäyrä: A badger.
Ofelia: I'd say a cat.

26) Natural born, or clone?
Bat: Natural born, of course!
Mäyrä: What kind of question is this?
Ofelia: One word about my origins and I'll smite your ass.

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Bat: Nope, I'm usually completely sane when I destroy something.
Mäyrä: No.
Ofelia: Why yes.

29) Any unusual things about you?
Bat: Nothin' unusual about me, nope.
Mäyrä: Nothing to tell.
Ofelia: I can still smite you.

Oli hauska tehdä tää tällä kertaa eri hahmoilla :DD

ViestiKirjoittaja Templer » 05 Tammi 2013, 20:26

Vastaan suomeksi, koska taidot ja laiskuus.

Characters Chosen:
Soul Safer
Lanae Winder
Balder (Yard)

1) How old are you?

Soul Safer: Eeeen tiedä.
Lanae Winder: 230 vuotta, miksi kysyt?
Yard: en voi muistaa, olisikohan nyt meneillään kahdeksas vuosisata.

2) Height?

Soul Safer: En tiedä, en muista, ei kiinnosta.
Lanae Winder: Voi enhän minä voi muistaa!
Yard: 186 ihmisilluusiossani..

3) You got any bad habits?
Soul Safer: Kaikilla on.. eikö olekin?
Lanae Winder: En usko, ei puhuta siitä muutenkaan.
Yard: Syön ilman lautasliinaa. ohmy!

4) You a virgin?
Soul Safer: Olen, ainakin viimeisen tietoni mukaan.
Lanae Winder: Kyllä.
Yard: Ei todellakaan kuulu sinulle.

5) Who's your mate/spouse?
Soul Safer: . . .
Lanae Winder: Anteeksi?
Yard: huoh.

6) Have any kids?
Soul Safer: Ei.
Lanae Winder: Ei ainakaan tällä hetkellä.
Yard: Häviätkös kyselemästä!

7) Favorite food?
Soul Safer: Sielut, tuoreena.
Lanae Winder: Liian vaikean kysymyksen esitit, en tiedä.
Yard: Liha, raaka liha. mmm..

8) Favorite ice cream flavor?**
Soul Safer: Jaa'a.
Lanae Winder: Jäätelö.. anteeksi mikä on jäätelö?
Yard: Onko tämä sinusta huvittavaa?

9) Killed anyone?
Soul Safer: Liian monta.
Lanae Winder: Mitä?! En tietenkään.
Yard: Montakin, eikä kaduta.

10) Hate anyone?
Soul Safer: Itseni lisäksi?
Lanae Winder: En, vihata on liian voimakas sana.
Yard: Ainahan sitä pitää jotakuta vihata.

11) Any secrets?
Soul Safer: Totta maar, ainakin tämä yksi.
Lanae Winder: En kerro~ :3
Yard: Enpä kerro >:c

12) Love anyone?
Soul Safer: Rakastaa on vahva sana, mutta.. toki!
Lanae Winder: Siskoani, veljeäni, koiriani, hevostani, ystäviäni, edesmenneitä rakkaitani...
Yard: Hmph, rakkaus, ehkä joskus.

13) TACOS?**
Soul Safer: Tuota..
Lanae Winder: Voisitko toistaa?
Yard: Tämä ei ole huvittavaa!

14) Ever slept in all day?
Soul Safer: En, en harrasta.
Lanae Winder: Eikai sitä nyt sellaisiin kerkeä.. :o
Yard: Voisi kai sitä, mutta ei ole tultu kokeiltua.

15) Favorite show?**
Soul Safer: -
Lanae Winder: Hmm.. en oikein osaa sanoa.
Yard: Haista.

16) Favorite movie?**
Soul Safer: Elokuva.. elo.. kuu?
Lanae Winder: En tunne kyseistä käsitettä, selittäisitkö minulle?
Yard: . . . enkö käskenyt häipymään jo!!

17) Favorite band?**
Soul Safer: En omista.
Lanae Winder: Huiluorkesteri.
Yard: Linnunlaulu aamutuimaan.

18) Eye Colors?
Soul Safer: Vaalean sininen.
Lanae Winder: Vihreät.. (:o whaa- on aina luullu, että ne on keltaset!!)
Yard: Golden eye..

19) Skin?
Soul Safer: Vaalea.
Lanae Winder: Sileä ja vaalea, jos tätä kysymykselläsi etsit.
Yard: En näe päätä, enkä häntää kysymyksestäsi, en vastaa. *möks*

20) Fat/Average/Slim?
Soul Safer: Laiha.
Lanae Winder: Olen laiha >:
Yard: Normi.. + lihakset >:)

21) Rain, sunshine?
Soul Safer: Sade, ocf.
Lanae Winder: Auringonpaiste ~
Yard: No mikä kysymys se tämä on? D:

22) Pool, beach?
Soul Safer:.. ei kumpikaan.
Lanae Winder: Sanoisin allas, jos puhut kylpyläaltaasta. :3
Yard: Ranta.. ?

23) Camping, staying home?
Soul Safer: Koti..? öh.
Lanae Winder: retkeilemään~
Yard: jaa'a, etkai halua että vastaan tähän? haluat? no en tiedä.

24) Dog, cat?
Soul Safer: Koira! wuff.
Lanae Winder: Sanoisin koira, muttei kissoissakaan vikaa ole.
Yard: Lintu.

25) Believe in aliens?
Soul Safer: .. en?
Lanae Winder: En ainakaan halua usko. Vaihdetaanko aihetta?
Yard: Pyh.

26) Natural born, or clone?
Soul Safer: Ka mistä sitä tietää.
Lanae Winder: Normaalisti.
Yard: Normi.

27) Car or ship?**
Soul Safer: Laiva.
Lanae Winder: Laiva, kiitos.
Yard: En välitä, en halua välittää.

28) Ever destroyed something out of blind rage?
Soul Safer: Tuo oli vitsi eikö ollutkin? >:
Lanae Winder: En!
Yard: Toki toki, millon uudestaan?

29) Any unusual things about you?
Soul Safer: Syön sieluja..?
Lanae Winder: Ei kai..
Yard: . . . ei sinua kiinnosta.

30) How much food/drink do you need a day?
Soul Safer: Tarpeeksi.
Lanae Winder: Sen verran, ettei ole enää nälkä/jano.
Yard: Tonneittain kiitos.

31) Favorite place?
Soul Safer: Metsä, suo..
Lanae Winder: Kartano :3
Yard: Vuoreet.


Paluu Keskustelut


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