In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

Mättäitä, puskia, kiviä, havu- ja lehtipuita, kukkuloita. Mitä ikinä metsä pitääkään sisällään. Metsän reunat ovat tasaista, usein lehtimetsää, mutta mitä syvemmälle metsään vaeltaa, sitä hankalammaksi ja aaltoilevammaksi maasto muuttuu. Metsää on silmänkantamattomiin, aina Cryptin etelärannikolta pohjoiseen, Kleth vuorille ja niistä eteenpäinkin.
Metsästä löytyy vaikka mitä enemmän ja vähemmän mukavaa. Pohjoisemmasta metsästä löytää melko usein raunioituneita kivirakennuksia, jäänteitä kylistä. Metsästä löytyy kuitenkin myös toimivia, pieniä kyliä, joista suurin osa on ihmisten hallinnassa. Osa kylistä on täysin ihmisten asuttamia, osa taas koostuu suurimmaksi osaksi taruolennoista. Haltioilla ei ole yksittäisiä kyliä pitkin metsää, vaan heillä on yksi, suuri kylä piilossa metsässä.
Käräjäkivet ovat yksi tunnetuimmista muinaispaikoista metsässä. Käräjäkivet ovat suurehko rinki isoja, istumakelpoisia kiviä, joiden keskellä on yksi isompi, pöytää muistuttava järkäle.

Viimeisimmän tannersodan jälkeen haltiat ovat ottaneet metsää haltuunsa. Yksin liikkuvien ihmisten on parasta varoa haltioiden partioivia joukkoja. Myös ihmisten karavaanien, jotka käyttävät metsäteitä, pitää varoa haltioita. Haltiat eivät kuitenkaan ole ainoa uhka metsäteillä ja poluilla. Satunnaiset maantierosvot vaanivat pahaa-aavistamattomia uhrejaan vakiopaikoissaan.
Metsäteitä on rutkasti. Suurin osa niistä on tarpeeksi leveitä ja hyväkuntoisia vankkureille, jotka saattavat matkata kylien välillä, jopa kaupunkiin. Teitä menee aina eteläisimmästä päästä pohjoiseen. Metsätiet ovat kauppiaiden suosima reitti maantierosvoista huolimatta, sillä arojen tiet ovat alttiita lentävien olentojen, kuten lohikäärmeiden hyökkäyksille.

Valvoja: Crimson

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 23 Kesä 2015, 10:51


Aphaderuiondur listened to the half-stranger, half-friend. Unlike the older one, Haulokki was born in the capital city of human race. Aphaderuiondur nodded with an impressed smirk on his face when he heard that his companion's father had been a soldier. Aphaderuiondur thought that it was such a great and honorable job - just not for him nor for his family. His father had been an original worker, hunting, fishing and stuff. Selling things. Rarely fighting. Maybe that was why his sons never caught interest in army or using physical power. Aphaderuiondur couldn't avoid hearing the embittered tone in Haulokki's voice when he finished talking about his family. The smirk on Aphaderuiondur's face faded and he kind of wanted to pat this feminine fellow on the shoulder, but didn't dare to do that. Instead he just moved his eyes from Haulokki's face to somewhere in the distance and kept listening.

So, it appeared that Haulokki had just accidentally bought himself another form, which was to be a raccoon. That sounded very odd to Aphaderuiondur who had been a shape-shifter all his life and shared the ability of changing form between a few creatures. The same applied to his brother, mother, father and other relatives. Aphaderuiondur turned his face back to the younger one when he told Aphaderuiondur to look at his stone. The man smiled and nodded, again with that slightly impressed smirk.
"I see. It is pretty - and I really like the blue colour, can you imagine?" he laughed towards the end of the sentence and shaked his head a little. It was probably obvious.
"I wonder what the talisman would do to me as I am a naturally born shape-shifter. Would I lose my other shapes? Would I just become a raccoon?" he wondered out loud and gazed through the rain again. He had just accidentally told his new companion that he had more forms than the tree, but it was okay. He probably knew that already, because just turning into a tree would be pretty lame. That was more like what the spirits and forest maidens did. Aphaderuiondur hadn't yet understood why a tree had become one of his and his brother's shapes.
"But I don't want to try it, don't worry", he then added and shared a quick, firm look with Haulokki.

The story continued. The jewel had most seemingly been sold at a low price. It made Aphaderuiondur slightly annoyed, but he couldn't tell why. Perhaps because he thought shapeshifting was an ability to be approved and not to sold with a pair of coins. It also had it's responsibilities. He decided not to say anything about it, because Haulokki surely wasn't thinking about consequences when he bought the stone. And that was what Haulokki himself told at the same moment.

"I understand. I hope it hadn't brought you too many problems. Being able to shift your form is cool and somehow liberating but also gives you many things to worry about, as we saw in the woods", Aphaderuiondur noted smiling and stretched his back a bit - as much as the rathole gave in.
"So the talisman works when you panick or when you want to turn into a raccoon? Does your fear always activate it?" Aphaderuiondur probably sounded a bit too interested, but he was. He didn't know whether it was odd to ask this many questions about other people's problems (or blessings) but he couldn't hold himself now that they were both trapped in boringness anyway.
The older one was just about to ask how Haulokki had looked before he turned into a raccoon human, but Haulokki kind of gave him the answer before he managed to ask. Brown hair. Aphaderuiondur tried to imagine that and wondered if it would have made him more masculine or feminine.
"Do you ever miss your old self?" the blue one then asked purely because he was interested. Aphaderuiondur imagined that the only thing Haulokki probably missed was his normal way of looking, but he couldn't be sure. Not everyone wanted to be a raccoon.

//Joo eihän mullakaan mennyt kuin vuosi onneksi, höhhöh :d Oli vähän intensiivisempi kouluvuosi. Ja kysymykseesi vastatakseni E tuli! c:
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Noitarinki » 11 Heinä 2015, 02:45

"I see. It is pretty - and I really like the blue colour, can you imagine?" Haulokki glanced at his companion, joining in his laugh. "Yeah. I'd never have guessed that", he grinned slightly. It was obvious but he could take some jokes. He wasn't one of the boring stonefaces the city was full of. The raccoon-man fidgeted a little and tightened his grip on his Cambiatio on instinct when the other started wondering what it would do to his forms. A good question it was but... Just no. Not with his talisman. It was his. Fortunately Aphaderuiondur said he didn't want to try it. Good. At this point the grey one dared to relax again. Everything was okay...

"Nah, not that much. It's pretty convenient when you have to get quickly away from somewhere and stuff." A tiny laugh before he continued to listen to what the other shapeshifter had to say. Well he found that out soon enough - the blue one just asked him how his shifting worked. "Pretty much like that I'd say. And about the hear thing, not always. Mainly when I get like really scared, you know? For example, if someone tries to, i don't know, kill me with a knife, I'd probably be a raccoon already, but it wouldn't work if you tried to scare me right now. Unless you'd come at me with a knife. You won't, right?" He was joking of course. Haulokki was pretty sure that Alfie wouldn't do something like that. At least he didn't look like he would.

After he had finished talking about himself, the other one asked him a question he had thought about many times before: Did he miss his old self? Joshua stared blankly at the mans eyes for a moment before looking away and shrugged his slim shoulders. Did he? "I... Don't really know. I mean kind of but then again... I'm not that sure about that. It's harder among the humans like this for sure but..." he scratched his neck and sighed. "I'll have to say that not really. Not that much. I was trying to get away from people and, heh, they wouldn't even recognise my face anymore because of my condition so... Yeah. I succeeded. Everything's perfect. Mostly." Silence.

"Well then. How about you? You're a tree. How come?"

//Onnea onnea .w. Ja pfffft vuosi sinne tänne, ei tunnu missään .'DD//
... Kaikkia kinosti.

Viestit: 753
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2012, 17:28

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 31 Elo 2015, 14:45


Haulokki cleared up a bit how the amulet actually worked. So, it wasn't always about being scared. Aphaderuiondur shared an ominous but playful smile with the raccoon man and raised his eyebrows a bit.
"I won't, would I? Let me see, where did I put my knife..." he said and started to reach his pockets as if he would have had some sort of weapon with him. He didn't, and if he had he wouldn't have raised it against his new companion. The older one laughed a bit and waved his hand.
"Don't worry, I don't want to spill blood on my muddy, comfortably soaked clothes. And I'm not a violent kind of guy anyway. I don't think you can achieve anything by hurting other people", Aphaderuiondur said, glancing in the distance and shortly lifting his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal. For him it wasn't, at least. Some people thought that not wanting to fight was a sign of weakness. But Aphaderuiondur himself sure didn't think so - and he also wanted to show it by buildig his body although he would never use it to hurt anyone, unless he had to. The blue one took a look at the younger one to see what his reaction to the subject was.

Aphaderuiondur thought that the next thing they discussed was probably a bit sensitive for Haulokki, but at least he was able to share it with the older one. It was about running away from people, and Aphaderuiondur couldn't quite relate to that as he had always been very confident about himself, at least most of the time. So, now that Haulokki almost shared a dark slice of his past with Aphaderuiondur, but not fully, he didn't know what to answer. He couldn't say that he knew how this darkly coloured boy felt, nor would he dare to ask why he had to run away from people. Everyone had their secrets, others had them more difficult and others probably went along with their past and would never be bothered by it. By the way Haulokki finished his story Aphaderuiondur sensed that this fellow might still be fighting with whatever it was in his past years.
"I see", Aphaderuiondur said after a short silence, and a longer one descended.

The silence was broken by a question from Haulokki. Aphaderuiondur turned his head to the other one and felt how the muscles of his neck were slowly stiffening because of the difficult position he had to sit in. He was way too big to hide under this hole, but it was all they had.
"Yeah, I'm a tree", Aphaderuiondur started. And plenty of other things, he continued, but decided not to say it out loud for reasons. "It is natural. Shapeshifters like me are born with it, and so were our parents and their parents, and so on. We are a species, a race. The shapes are supposed to reflect our personalities and features, but I don't know why I received a tree as a shape. My younger brother, the one I told you about, has the same ability as well. Maybe it reflects my calmness? Or maybe I'll become boring when I grow older? I'm not sure."
He sounded pretty amused towards the end, but was actually serious.
"What do you think a tree represents?" he asked Haulokki's opinion and scratched his own forehead. He was actually interested in the other one's opinion, because he had never asked anyone that before. Usually everyone he had met had just went along with the tree thing and had never asked follow-up questions.

The rain pattered on the ground and Aphaderuiondur suddenly felt something cold on his shoulder. It felt awful as his skin had quite started to dry already, though his pants were still as glued against his feet. Aphaderuiondur tried to see what caused this sudden, cold feeling, and turned around slowly so that he wouldn't break the cover. That was unnecessary, he stated then, as he saw that over his head there was a hole on their "roof", and the muddy water was pouring in from it. The diameter of the hole was about as long as Aphaderuiondur's thumb.
"Shit", Aphaderuiondur sweared and placed his palm to the hole to keep the water from coming in. However, it did not work. The soil had become too soft from the water, and when Aphaderuiondur touched it, all the mud and earth collapsed over his hand to their heads and so did the water that the roof was holding above it. The blue one yelped and was lightning fast up on his feet as the muddy, cold water splashed on his head and torso.
"Fuck! Lord and Christ and please", he named fussed, frowning and checking if Haulokki was looking as bad as he was. His naked upper body was brown at the moment, though the rain was constantly trying to wash the mud away, and his pants were even browner.
"Bloody, we must find another cover", the older one noted and looked at their old cover, which now had a huge hole on it's roof. Aphaderuiondur turned around and span a bit to see if there was any clever place to go to. It seemed like they'd have to run again. The thunder was mourning somewhere in the distance and it seemed to get closer.

"Come, we have to find another cover. If we get hit by a lightning, we'll verily not survive. So, we should stay away from the trees", and that was easier said than done, because the trees stood everywhere.
"Let's see if we can find an actual cave so we could maybe dry ourselves", Aphaderuiondur suggested and almost started to run again, stopping then. He turned to the younger one.
"If you're out of breath, you can turn into a raccoon and I can carry you. It's not a problem. Just don't claw my skin", he then said and waited for the answer.
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta


Paluu Metsä


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