Kuoleman ääressä

Suuri, mahtipontinen kivikirkko. Korkeat, mustat katot kohoavat taivaisiin ylistämään jumalan sanaa. Kirkossa järjestetään jumalanpalveluksia, kuin myös häitä ja hautajaisia.. vain niille, joilla on asemaa moisiin huvituksiin. Kellotornit kohoavat kaikkein korkeimmalle. Torneista kuulee aika ajoin kellojen soittoa, milloin mistäkin syystä. Kirkkosali on suuri ja valoisa. Sivuhuoneet ja sivurakennukset sisältävät tiloja kirkon henkilökunnalle, aina piispasta haudankaivajiin.
Pihamaalla sijaitsee suuri hautuumaa, jonne on haudattu niin kuninkaita kuin kansalaisiakin. Ylempiarvoisten haudat ovat tietenkin suurempia, hienompia, mitä tavallisen kansan. Mutta jokainen on laskettu lepoon asiaankuuluvalla tavalla.
Kirkossa ei katsota hyvällä friikkejä, taruolentoja tai muun uskonnonharjoittajia. Yleensä nuo saatetaan heti ensimmäisenä ulos herran huoneesta, mikäli eivät sopivasti sulaudu massaan, joka saarnaa on tullut kuuntelemaan. Kirkko on auki myös öisin.

Valvoja: Crimson

Kuoleman ääressä

ViestiKirjoittaja Juudas » 16 Heinä 2012, 22:12


Vaunun puiset pyörät kolisivat epätasaisella tiellä raskasrakenteisen hevosen löntystellessä kirkon tietä kiireettömästi. Hevosta taluttava mies sytytti ties kuinka monetta tupakkaa sinä päivänä. Vaunujen pehmusteeton penkki yhdistettynä kivikkoiseen tiehen oli tehnyt matkasta erityisen epämukavan, mikä lopulta johti päätökseen kävellä. Tekihän tuo etenemisestä hiukan hitaampaa, mutta hiljainen Ed oli hyvää juttuseuraa, eikä vaunun peräosassa lojuvilla ruumiilla vaikuttanut olevan mitään kiirettä tulla haudatuiksi. Ainoa joka saattaisi vitkuttelua kritisoida oli haudankaivaja, jonka oli määrä odottaa hautausmaalla lastin saapumista.

Taivas jo punersi hiukan, lähestyvää yötä ennakoiden. Tiellä oli vesilammikoita aiemman sateen jäljiltä. Kayden pysäytti hevosensa hautausmaalle johtavan puisen portin eteen ja avasi sen. Hevosen hän jätti paikoilleen, Edmund oli luonteeltaan niin rauhallinen ja jähmeä, ettei sen karkaamisesta ollut huolta. Nurmikko lotisi miehen jalkojen alla, kun hän käveli ympyrää hautakivien ohitse ja imi ahnaasti lisää savua keuhkoihinsa. Hän oli yllättynyt ettei haudankaivaja ollut vielä paikalla - kenties oli kyllästynyt odottamaan sateessa ja painunut sisälle kirkkoon.

Ruumiille oli määrätty paikat ennestään, kuten yleensä. Teloitetut rikolliset haudattiin omalle alueelleen, hiukan syrjemmäksi kirkosta kuin muut. Kayden oli kaivanut useita hautoja tänne ennenkin, yleensä tosin vain yhden kerrallaan, niin että hän saattoi tehdä koko homman itse. Nyt ruumiita oli kolme. Kaikilla irralliset päänsä mukanaan. Ei ollut vannomista, että saman parin pää ja ruumis päätyisivät myös samaan kuoppaan. Mutta kukapa siitä piittasi oliko varkaan pää omassa vai naapurin haudassa.

ViestiKirjoittaja Fentiz » 18 Heinä 2012, 16:49

//Yhteisestä sopimuksesta peli pelattakoon (sittenkin) englanniksi//


Angus stood by three freshly marked spots of land, to these spots he was to dig graves to some freshly executed convicts.
The usual cycle changed somewhat when they got so many convicts snapped out of their necks that the executioner actually needed some help to get them underground. Usually the fellow did all the diggin' n' stuff all by himself so Angus wasn't needed often in these parts of the graveyard.
The work was same grunt's job than any other he'd do except that this time he would be working with someone else, be that a blessing or a curse, that wouldn't be to Angus to decide.

The Gravedigger leaned to his spade and puffed his pipe while waiting for the executioner to arrive. Sky was starting to turn ruby red as the dusk was setling in.
Angus shivered a little, he'd be glad the sooner this was over so he'd get into his shack to be out from the night. He felt a little queer, and that usually wasn't a good sign for him and to top everything, the executioner sure seemed to take his sweet time to arrive.

The wind started to blow, harassing the gravedigger trying to lit his freshly loaded pipe, so he took cover behind a crypt few steps away. After inhaling few times deeply and making sure the embers wouldn't die Angus stepped back to the spot, immediately noticing a slender man with long coat, smoking cigarette. That fellow surely wasn't a vicar so it had to be the executioner!
Angus tapped this fellows shoulder: "Oi!, yer lookin' fer me cutter?"

//Toivottavasti tuosta nyt selvää saat, en tajunnutkaan kuinka ruosteessa miun englanti on =( //

ViestiKirjoittaja Juudas » 18 Heinä 2012, 18:38

//Hyvin saan selvää, eikä meikäläisenkään enkun taidot ole kuin keskinkertaisia, mutta tässähän sitä kehittyy. : ) (toivottavasti)//

As he was fully concentrated in his thoughts, Kayden didn't hear the gravedigger coming. He turned around with a surprised look on his angular face but relaxed as he realized that the man had come for his aid. "Indeed I am", he replied and stretched out his arm for a handshake, "Kayden Coleman, executioner."

Surely the gravedigger knew who he was, but introductions were in order as they were working together for the first time. Compared to other gravediggers Kayden had worked with, the man seemed... different, to say the least. What particularly sticked out was the fact that this man had only one working eye as the other was covered by a nasty scar. Also the gravedigger was quite a sizeable man which made Kayden feel a bit uncomfortable. It wasn't every day that he met a man so much longer than himself.

"The bodies are on the wagon", the executioner explained and slowly breathed in the warm, pleasant smoke as he walked back to his horse. Edmund watched with his large, curious eyes, as the men walked by to the back of the wagon. The smell of blood and corpses filled the air as Kayden opened the backhatch. Three headless bodies, and their heads. Kayden smirked as he looked at the terrified looks on those dead stiff faces.

"There", Kayden said and made a small gesture with his hand towards the corpses, "Tad Collins, Heddwyn Page and Xavier Langley." The man smiled as he picked up one of the heads and rotated it in his hand. "Funny how their last thoughts seem to stick on their faces even after death..." he said and laughed a bit.

//The head: "Shit, I'm gonna die a virgin!"//

ViestiKirjoittaja Fentiz » 19 Heinä 2012, 16:06

"Kayden Coleman, executioner." the stranger introduced himself. Angus offered his grimy hand and the two shook hands, "Angus MacRevel, but ye'd best jist call me Angus, like everyone does".

At closer range Angus got chance to examine his partner a bit closer. While measuring the executioner with his only remaining eye, it became obvious to the gravedigger, that his workmate here wasn't exactly you'r average Joe.
There was some kind of symbol over the man's right eye, maybe some kind of mark of a executioner?
But what shook Angus more was the fact that the executioner's eyes weren't exactly normal, they were bright orange. Angus wasn't the one to judge anyone by eyes, what's with his own eye and all, but could this man have something non-human in his blood like the gravedigger himself?

The men arrived at the executioners cart and the clang made by the opening of the carts backhatch finally woke Angus from his deep thoughts.
The gravedigger puffed his pipe as he measured the three headless bodies, and noticed how the executioner by him seemed to be mighty pleased with himself, smirking to the bodies as he recited the names of the victims.
The executioner picked one of the severed heads,
"Funny how their last thoughts seem to stick on their faces even after death..."
Angus took a deep and pondering inhale from his pipe, "Aye, this one here looks like his last thought was th' wish ta get one more smoke with 'is head attached to 'is shoulders" the gravedigger tried to joke pointing the narrow end of his pipe to one of the heads. "By th' way, fan o' the smoke yerself, eh?" Angus added, seeing the executioner inhaling the smoke enjoyably.
"Well, Wormfood Pete n' fellas 'ere probably wish ta get five feet under already, so we's better get workin'" Angus said while lightly grunting lifted one of the bodies to his shoulder.

//Ei vissiin suunniteltu vielä sen pitemmälle että halutaanko actionia tähän peliin vai juttelua vaan?//

ViestiKirjoittaja Juudas » 20 Heinä 2012, 21:21

//Tulkoon action kun on tullakseen! Jos on ideoita niin kerro ihmeessä. : )//

"Oh yes", Kayden replied to the gravediggers guestion and smiled, "This stuff makes my life." The executioner lied down the head he had held in his hand and picked up a body instead. These young thugs didn't weight too much, being mostly just skin and bones. So, when he had lifted the body on his shoulder, he still had one free hand to carry a head as well.

As all three bodies and heads lied on the grass waiting to be buried, Kayden slowly inhaled the last of his cigarette and stomped it on the ground. He personally prefered to chop down heads rather than dig graves. It was relaxing at times, but things just tend to get boring when repeated often enough. Chopping down heads was boring as well, but it took just a short moment, after which he could smell the wonderful scent of blood and hear the pleasant sounds of the crowd. The gasps, the cries, the yells...

Digging graves took hours. And there was no one gasping or yelling. Just the dead silent graves. Kayden couldn't understand, why anyone would make digging graves his trade. Well... At least there was someone else as alive as the executioner himself around. Although he wasn't entirely convinced that it would make working any more interesting.

Reluctantly Kayden picked up his shovel and pushed it in the ground. "So", he begun and lifted a piece of damp soil, "How does one come up with the decision of digging up graves for a living?"

ViestiKirjoittaja Fentiz » 23 Heinä 2012, 15:19

"Lemme ponder that a second, cutter." The gravedigger started, groping his beard. "I guess it's th' silence.. I like ta work alone an' focus on th' task, an' as some wise man once said: "dead men tell no tales". Plus, me pa' always taught me that th' hard labor is th' only kind of right work, no pencil pushing or such in our family"
Angus shoveled a couple of shovelfuls of dirt and then added "Don't get me wrong, cutter. The company ain't always a bad thing"

Of course Angus couldn't tell the executioner his real motives for the quiet & lonely work of gravedigger, but he had gotten used to it. Sometimes still the gravedigger thought about the work as a lumberjack, maybe he could get back to his roots one day when his blasted condition would be over.
Then Angus gave a peek for the executioner. The gravedigger had kind of a respect for these guys, after all, they were the ones who kept his job for him, especially when the war would be over. But killing people for living was something the gravedigger would not be able to do, even if he had killed more than few men & women himself, maybe even children, but at those times he wasn't rightly himself, or that he told himself anyway.

"So how about ye, how did ye become a executioner. Judgin' by yer bearing I would guess ye like it too, aye?" Angus threw the counter question, while shoveling the dirt from the ground making way to the corpses who sat there by graveside waiting to get underground.

ViestiKirjoittaja Juudas » 29 Heinä 2012, 17:11

Silence... Yes, gravedigging definitely was the right job for those who liked silence. Kayden wasn't exactly the social type himself and prefered to work solo, so he could relate to that. Appreciation for hard labor was also something they had in common. No pencil pushing... If Kayden didn't happen to have a brother, who was one of these 'pencil pushers' he would have expressed his approval outloud. Instead he just smirked silently while digging. The executioner had no respect towards artists, but he cared about his brother. He would never give anyone a reason to disrespect Damian. Even if he himself did not appreciate everything his brother was or did. "I get it", he replied and silently kept shoveling, until the gravedigger presented his counter question.

How did he become an executioner... It was not the first time someone asked that. There was this common prejudice that executioners were sadistic bastards, who chose to kill for a living, because they liked doing it. The wrong beliefs amused Kayden, but he didn't bother correcting them. On the contrary he liked to act like as if he did take satisfaction out of killing just because it inspired fear in others. It was true that Kayden didn't much care for the lives he had ended, but he didn't enjoy killing either. Sometimes he wished he did. But killing simply didn't move him emotionally in any way.

"It runs in the family. My father was an executioner, just like his father was an so on", Kayden explained, seemingly incurious about the subject. "And yes... I like it", he added, smiling a bit as he pushed the shovel in the ground again. When his father was still alive, Kayden assisted him in his work. And now, it was his job alone. It was all the work he had ever done, and what he did best. Of course he always had the choice not to follow in his fathers footsteps... But he didn't know any other way.

ViestiKirjoittaja Fentiz » 04 Elo 2012, 20:34

Following his fathers footsteps, eh? That would have been, a seemingly long time ago, Angus' natural progression but it seems that the greater powers didn't see that fit. And what do you know, the man was now a gravedigger with "a curse".

It could be seen that the gravediggers face darkened for a while when he got thinking about his, now deceased, family. For a while Angus just pushed through the dirt without saying a word, his brain buzzing with number of thoughts about home and his state of life at the moment.
Oh what would he give to be back home, cutting trees for living, away from this big village. Angus was used to living in the buzzing capitol of humankind, but sometimes he really missed the times in rural highlands.

After his thoughts had settled the gravedigger tried to continue the conversation he and the executioner had been going through. "Th' last time I checked, the town had only one executioner, so my guess would be that yer father is penned to the dead book already. Do ye have any relatives around?"

ViestiKirjoittaja Juudas » 05 Elo 2012, 20:34

"Yeah... He died four years ago", Kayden confirmed indifferently. "If he ever was alive that is", the executioner thought, smirking mirthlessly by himself. He didn't much miss this so called father of his. The man was dead before he even died. Emotionless and cold. Very much like his son, who had taken his place in ways more than one. Sometimes it was like the same things happened again, generation after generation. It was like the executioner had never changed. All that had ever changed was his name and his face. But when he put on his black mask and lifted the heavy axe on his shoulder - all the names and faces would disappear and turn into one being; the executioner. What was there behind that mask, behind the role that had lasted for generations and the actions that had been delivered by many different and yet so similar men, was irrelevant.

"I have a brother here", the executioner told, shoveling the dirt without haste. He didn't much care to open up about his broken family... Assumed family, as he didn't really even know, if his father really was his father or if his dead mother had made him with some unknown traveler or whoever. All he knew was that there was something no-one had ever told him. Whatever it was, his father had taken it with him to the grave.

Kayden decided not to tell further details about his brother; Like that they lived together and that Kayden happened to be the only one in the house with a real job as his brother happened to be deaf-mute and one of these previously mentioned pencil pushers. He wasn't ashamed of his brother, but it was still true, that talking about him would have turned the executioner into a laughing-stock.

"How 'bout you, uh... Angus", the executioner asked, taking a short moment to recall the gravediggers name, and lifted his eyebrows a bit, as he looked at the other with a smile. "You don't look like you're from these parts originally... With that fancy kilt and all", he said, smirking a bit.

ViestiKirjoittaja Fentiz » 15 Elo 2012, 20:57

A slight frown creeped into the gravediggers face, but vanished soon after. "Aye, I actually come from th' highlands way northwards o' this place" Angus answered, tapping his chin. "I'm also pleasantly surprised that someone around here knows about these articles o' clothing without askin'. Shows that my culture ain't completely ignored here." he then added, giving a friendly smile to the executioner.

Angus really missed the highlands, yet he somehow also was a bit antsy when he thought about moving back there, maybe it was the fact that he got bitten there, maybe it wasn't... Well, for better or worse, the gravedigger was pretty used to living in the big city by now.

While the men were chatting & working the clouds in the sky started to take darker shade and the gravedigger noticed that first. "Humh... Maybe we should kick up the pace a notch, lest we get to work in a rain" Angus said, pointing into the sky "'less its too late" he continued, frowning a bit.

ViestiKirjoittaja Juudas » 19 Elo 2012, 10:08

"I see", the executioner replied, as the gravedigger told him he was from the highlands. Although he had heard some things about this culture with clothing like that and bagpipes, Kayden didn't know much about the highlands. Not like he cared anyway. Kilts seemed fairly unusual to the locals - the executioner included.

Shoveling the dirt from the grave-to-be, Kayden didn't pay much attention to the weather, which was about to take a change for worse. He probably wouldn't have noticed the dark clouds at all, had the gravedigger not pointed them out. The executioner sighed. "Great... Oh well, unless you're made of sugar, we can deal with it", he said as he was looking at the sky with his bright eyes. The clouds were moving as a huge dark mass like a tidal wave on the redishblue ocean above them. It wouldn't be long till the rain would come down on them. It had been a rainy day till now, but it seemed that the sky still had some tears to shed.

Turning around, Kayden pushed his shovel into the ground again, grunting lightly as he lifted up a piece of dark soil. The rain wouldn't have bothered him at all if the soil wasn't so much heavier when wet. No matter if the rain would come or not, the graves had to be dug today. It wouldn't be the first time Kayden worked in a rain. Yet he was silently hoping he wouldn't have to.

ViestiKirjoittaja Fentiz » 26 Elo 2012, 20:31

"Aye, we'll make it alright. We just hafta be out of our comfort-zone a tad bit." the gravedigger said grinning a slightest bit.
Angus started to shovel a bit faster and managed to progress with the grave nicely, so after a bit, when it still hadn't started to rain, he decided to have the slightest break, just to get a pipeful of smoke.
Roughly at the same minute the gravedigger got his pipe lit, the dark clouds above the men decided to make the break, and with a mighty roar of thunder, it started to rain.

"Oh, for the love of the..." the gravedigger grumbled under his breath, the now wet pipe still hanging from his mouth. He then stamped the wet tobacco out of his pipe and returned it to his belt.
"Blast, just as I thought we could get this done before the rain." Angus said with clearly a nettlesome voice and started to shovel the dirt once again, which wasn't that easy, considering that his kilt was heavy enough without the additional weight of the water, and it sticking to his legs.

//Tässä taas vierähti vähän liikaa aikaa, koitan nyt kun on netti hommattu käydä useammin :)//

Paluu Kirkko


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