In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

Mättäitä, puskia, kiviä, havu- ja lehtipuita, kukkuloita. Mitä ikinä metsä pitääkään sisällään. Metsän reunat ovat tasaista, usein lehtimetsää, mutta mitä syvemmälle metsään vaeltaa, sitä hankalammaksi ja aaltoilevammaksi maasto muuttuu. Metsää on silmänkantamattomiin, aina Cryptin etelärannikolta pohjoiseen, Kleth vuorille ja niistä eteenpäinkin.
Metsästä löytyy vaikka mitä enemmän ja vähemmän mukavaa. Pohjoisemmasta metsästä löytää melko usein raunioituneita kivirakennuksia, jäänteitä kylistä. Metsästä löytyy kuitenkin myös toimivia, pieniä kyliä, joista suurin osa on ihmisten hallinnassa. Osa kylistä on täysin ihmisten asuttamia, osa taas koostuu suurimmaksi osaksi taruolennoista. Haltioilla ei ole yksittäisiä kyliä pitkin metsää, vaan heillä on yksi, suuri kylä piilossa metsässä.
Käräjäkivet ovat yksi tunnetuimmista muinaispaikoista metsässä. Käräjäkivet ovat suurehko rinki isoja, istumakelpoisia kiviä, joiden keskellä on yksi isompi, pöytää muistuttava järkäle.

Viimeisimmän tannersodan jälkeen haltiat ovat ottaneet metsää haltuunsa. Yksin liikkuvien ihmisten on parasta varoa haltioiden partioivia joukkoja. Myös ihmisten karavaanien, jotka käyttävät metsäteitä, pitää varoa haltioita. Haltiat eivät kuitenkaan ole ainoa uhka metsäteillä ja poluilla. Satunnaiset maantierosvot vaanivat pahaa-aavistamattomia uhrejaan vakiopaikoissaan.
Metsäteitä on rutkasti. Suurin osa niistä on tarpeeksi leveitä ja hyväkuntoisia vankkureille, jotka saattavat matkata kylien välillä, jopa kaupunkiin. Teitä menee aina eteläisimmästä päästä pohjoiseen. Metsätiet ovat kauppiaiden suosima reitti maantierosvoista huolimatta, sillä arojen tiet ovat alttiita lentävien olentojen, kuten lohikäärmeiden hyökkäyksille.

Valvoja: Crimson

In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Noitarinki » 31 Elo 2013, 20:18


The little raccoon was running and fast. He didn't know what he had done wrong, but a simple little trip to the forest had just turned into a battle of life and death. Well... almost. Haulokki was in his other form since he could run faster like this, and it was just fine to the man. He really didn't want to get caught by that... he wasn't even sure about what it was! The closest thing it looked like was a normal hare, it was about a same size and all that, but hares didn't have enormous fangs. And hares were brown, not blue.

The thing had been interested in biting his feet back when he was in his human form, and it wouldn't leave when he tried kicking it. It just tried twice harder, and followed him when he tried to get away from it. It didn't stop. He started running, it started running. That's when he started panicking and transformed, but the thing after him seemed to get even more excited.
So that's how Haulokki got here, For how long is that thing going to keep going?!' were his thoughts as he started to feel tired, his tiny feet were kinda sore due the long running, and he could hear his heart pounding in his furry chest. The raccoon looked around, realizing that he was in a forest. And a forest meant trees, and trees meant safe. He swore he would smack himself later, how stupid could he be?

There were so many trees to choose from, but the raccoon-shaped young man chose a young tree, a silver willow to be exact, that was pretty close to him. His talented little hand-like paws grabbed at he bark as he started climbing up. The furball went as high as he could and ventured to look down. The tree itself wasn't too tall, but it was enough for the hare thing, it did try to follow him, but couldn't do that. Haulokki smirked in his mind while trying to catch his breath. Now he just had to ait for the thing to get bored and to go away...

//No... I tried. Toivottavasti mun enkuntaitoni ei ole liian huono. Agna .w. ja Aphaderuiondur. Menikö oikein?//
Viimeksi muokannut Noitarinki päivämäärä 01 Syys 2013, 17:54, muokattu yhteensä 1 kerran
... Kaikkia kinosti.

Viestit: 753
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2012, 17:28

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 01 Syys 2013, 15:50

What a lovely day. Lovely and very grey. Since it had been pretty windy and cloudy all day long, Aphaderuiondur couldn't really tell if it was a day or an evening at the moment. It had been quite dark anyway.
He had left his house earlier this day, when his brother had decided to go for a walk around the city and maybe play some music with his violin, but Aphaderuiondur hadn't been interested in such thing as walking. He had felt way too energic for something like that, and so he had headed towards the woods. He was only wearing soft, dark brown leather boots and grey cotton trousers which had one, dark brown stripe going down along the leg on each side of trousers, and the stripes matched the boots pretty well. Even though the weather was not nice at all, the man with a blue tattoo didn't wear a shirt. None of his friends would have been surprised about that, but shape-shifters did have a good metabolism and and they didn't get cold easily. Only in winters he would cover his torso with a shirt or a jacket, but not now, when it still was the summer! At least, almost the summer. Trees were still green and sun still shined over Crypt some days. This just was not the day.

Anyway, back in the woods of Quinn, Aphaderuiondur had decided to startle an unwary hunter, who he had followed for some time now. Hunter had a brown hooded cape and a short bow, and he always stopped behind small trees for some while, maybe to listen to birds or other animals he was hunting. Aphaderuiondur thought that it would be a perfect trick to run ahead the hunter, change to the tree-shape, wait for him to come and then turn into a human when he would be close enough. The shape-shifter was so enthusiastic about the trick that he was almost giggling out loud. To be faster than the hunter and to be able to get around him from a good distance - because he of course didn't want to get shot - Aphaderuiondur turned into a maned wolf and took a long curve around the hunter, turned himself into a tree and stood still, waiting for the hunter to arrive. If he would keep going to the same direction he was walking when Aphaderuiondur first saw him, he would arrive.

It seemed like Aphaderuiondur's plan didn't quite work, because he startled awake hearing a horrible noise coming out from the woods. The hunter didn't arrive apparently, because Aphaderuiondur had fallen asleep while he had been waiting for him. But now something had woken him up, and he didn't yet know, what it was.
The thing was about to get clear when a raccoon raced through the undergrowth of the forest straight toward Aphaderuiondur, jumped and scratched him, climbed up and stood on his head. Aphaderuiondur was still a bit tired and he didn't first understand what was going on, but then he noticed the blue, ugly thing that had been chasing the raccoon. Stupid animals. Aphaderuiondur knew that if he changed his form, he would have nice red scratches all over his tummy, chest and neck. If he would turn into a wolf to drive away that blue what-ever-it-was, the raccoon would absolutely get a heart-attack and try to kill him with those tiny little claws. So, the best thing he could do, was to roll a long root around this aggressive blue creature and throw it away hoping it would never return. And that's what he did. The blue thing was so concentrated in growling to the raccoon that it didn't notice the roots that arrived to pick it up and throw it into the ditch with power. And there it went, whined and seemed to run away.
"Such a pain in the ass", a laughing voice from inside the tree sighed, while Aphaderuiondur grabbed the raccoon with his branches and slowly turned into a human again. The leaves became fingers, branches became arms and roots became legs. As he had guessed, he had red scratches all over his front body, but they didn't really hurt that much.
"All right little buddy, I just saved your life", Aphaderuiondur said smiling, holding the raccoon in his arms and then gently dropped him down.
"You should be very thankful", he said then and wiped his chest, "just look what you did."

//HERE WE ARE! Olipas mielenkiintoista kirjottaa enkuksi, meni välillä ihan kieli solmuun :D Mahtavaa. Tästä se lähtee. Ja meni oikein, eikä enkuntaidossakaan ole moittimista!
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

ViestiKirjoittaja Noitarinki » 01 Syys 2013, 20:31

Haulokki tried his best to calm down, he was safe for now, but the hare-thingy didn't seem to get tired. He didn't want to imagine what it would've done to him, if he'd let it bite him. Maybe it was poisonous! Or maybe there were others like that, and that one was just making sure that he was good enough to be their lunch! Lunch, dinner, snack, whatever. The raccoon shivered, the thought wasn't very nice, and he was glad that the thing couldn't climb. But what if it could fly? Or float? Or something like that? Then it would be easy for it to reach him and eat him! Oh, but he would make sure to go down with a fight, he'd scratch it's eyes out and make sure that it would bleed to death and- the tree threw it away?!

He blinked his bright eyes, rubbing them with his "hands". His eyes hadn't betrayed him, he was sure of it. The tree had actually moved and got rid of his... predator? Anyway, he didn't have time to think any further, as he heard a voice coming from the tree, and felt how it's branches lifted him off of the tree itself. And a moment after that the tree changed it's shape, and soon there was standing a shirtless man before him, smiling.

The man put him down on the ground, speaking to him. A bit startled Haulokki stumbled on his four feet, before actually regaining his sanity and changing his own form in a bluish-green flash. Back in his human form, the man sat on the ground, staring at the other man, opening and closing his mouth in disbelief. He luckily hadn't lost his ability to talk, but in a situation like this, where his words should be something like "thank you", he managed only to say:

"What the hell is it with these tree-men?!"

//Jee .DDD//
... Kaikkia kinosti.

Viestit: 753
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2012, 17:28

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 01 Syys 2013, 21:31


The raccoon seemed to be alive and healthy, though it seemed a bit scared. And no wonder! It had just seen something unforgettable, and probably wouldn't even be able to tell about it to it's family. If it even had one. Poor animals, so simple creatures.
As soon as the shirtless man was going to turn around and return back home, a sea-coloured flash blinded his eyes for a second, and the raccoon had turned into a human. Aphaderuiondur stood still without any movements, staring this pretty poor- and tired-looking, grey skinny woman in front of him. She was wearing a light shirt and trousers as light as the top, and she had a nice, glowing neckless. Another shape-shifter then? She didn't look older than Aphaderuiondur, vice versa. The man couldn't be sure, if the woman was tired or she had the black rings around her eyes because of the raccoon form, or if it was makeup. It looked like she didn't know what to say, and neither did the tattooed one. This situation was at least interesting, and Aphaderuiondur raised his eyebrows and slowly nod.
"I apologize the way I handled, you, miss..." Aphaderuiondur started but got interrupted by a voice, that actually belonged to a MAN. Aphaderuiondur was extremely surprised and swallowed his words quickly.
"...mister", he corrected as firmly as he was able to, because if this was not a shock, then what was it? The boy, if you could say, looked confusingly like a woman. The face was slender and you could actually say the same about his body. But now, when Aphaderuiondur took a closer look, he actually was more like a pretty boy. At least he didn't even have breasts. Thank god he had talked this early.
"Here, let me help you up", more muscular man asked, bowed a little bit and reached for the raccoon-boy.
"I'm not sure if I can answer your question, but if you have met my brother, it will explain your reaction", Aphaderuiondur laughed smoothly and shook his head.
"Why didn't you change your form earlier, mate? It would have hurt you if you didn't climb on me and if I wasn't one of these tree-men."
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

ViestiKirjoittaja Noitarinki » 04 Syys 2013, 22:33

The raccoon-man pierced the other with his gaze when he heard the stranger talk. 'He wasn't just going to call me 'miss', right?' he asked himself, but the look in his eyes softened a little when the shirtless man corrected himself. Good, very good, maybe he could let it go this time, the man really had saved him. Well... he wasn't so sure about the dangerousness of the blue thing, but he could never know.

Haulokki smirked a little and let the man help him up. "No problem, really. Glad there even was someone out here", the shapeshifter said, looking around them carefully. He listened to the man, furrowing his eyebrows a little when the talk turned to the other's brother. The younger one laughed, shrugging his small shoulders. "I'm not so sure about that one, unless he lives in the middle of this place and has a freaking hedgehog as a pet." By saying "this place" Haulokki had meant the woods, but he was sure that the other had understood what he had said.

The grey one shrugged again and thouht for a moment. What should he tell the other? After a small pause, he decided to go by the truth, since the man really had helped him. "Well, it tried to bite me, like really. I didn't know if it had any friends lurking in the bushes, so I kind of ran. And I panicked. I don't want to end up as their meal, did you see it's fangs?!" He shivered at the thought, and looked at the man before him. He at least seemedlike a good guy, judging by these few minutes they had spent together. Maybe he was nice, how could he know?

"But yeah, thanks for helping me out. The name's Haulokki, nice to meet you, I guess." The thin man reached his hand out towards the other, waiting for him to react.
... Kaikkia kinosti.

Viestit: 753
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2012, 17:28

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 07 Syys 2013, 16:55


The thin man did actually let Aphaderuiondur help him up from the ground. Aphaderuiondur was pleased about it, for he had actually imagined that this man didn't like to have any company - especially from the treeman. Maybe the first impression didn't always tell the truth, then. The raccoon-man even mentioned to be happy about the savior.
"No problem from my side either. It's always nice to be a helping hand", Aphaderuiondur answered and smiled.
The words about his brother having a hedgehod as a pet made Aphaderuiondur laugh and wipe his eyes. And Aerdirnaithon, living here in the middle of nowhere? No, it probably wasn't his brother then.
"No, I don't think it was him then." Actually, a hedgehog would have been a great idea for a pet. Aphaderuiondur supposed that they were pretty easy to take care of, and they were small and didn't cause much destruction. Maybe he should find himself a pet hedgehog someday, or buy one for Aerdirnaithon just in case.

Aphaderuiondur listened to the man's story about how he got here and how extremely scared he had been of this creature. The blue-coloured man just smiled kindly and didn't really show how amused he was, but hey, he had to understand the other also. He hadn't been a very big raccoon and looked even thinner when he was a human, so he had a right to be afraid.
"Yeah, I definitely saw them. Good for you that it didn't have a chance to bite you", he admitted and nod. Poor man. Aphaderuiondur wondered how long he had been running. Must have been exhausting anyway.
The man introduced himself as Haulokki. Aphaderuiondur reached for his grey hand and shaked it.
"That was not a big deal, Haulokki. Very nice to meet you", he answered. "My name is Aphaderuiondur Katheranegareya." As always, this was the best part of meeting a new person.
"I'm afraid I don't have any nicknames for you to call me, but if you want to figure out something, I'll give you free hands", he laughed and examined Haulokki with his eyes. Aphaderuiondur didn't really judge anyone by their appearances, but this man still looked a little bit like a woman. Maybe it would change in time, if they became friends or something like that, or chatted a little bit more.
"But hey, sorry for asking if you find this offensive, but I was absolutely surprised when you changed your form from a raccoon to a human. I haven't seen very many shape-shifters around here in Crypt lately, not since I left my home", Aphaderuiondur started and his face became more serious than before.
"Still, you don't quite look like... Well... Us", he continued and tried not to sound like a racist, because he surely wasn't. He was just interested in his new company.
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

ViestiKirjoittaja Noitarinki » 13 Loka 2013, 01:19

Haulokki smiled as the other man said that tue Freeman he had met earlier probably wasn't his brother. "That's good, because tuhat guy annoying as hell, if I may say that", the raccoon-man replied. The saviour of his smiled at his story, but he couldn't quite tell what the other as thinking at the moment. It didn't matter, though, at least not now.

The stranger grabbed his hand and introduced himself as something Haulokki couldn't just wrap his mind around. Itse as Apha-something Kathe-something-reya, and the younger's confusion surely showed. "Oh... I see. I guess I'll just have to make something up for you then", he laughed a bit. He had to, he couldn't possibly remember a name that long!

Apha-something kept speaking, and Joshua listened carefully for once. The other's expression became serious, and he couldn't quite understand what he had meant. Yes, he could change his form, but only thanks to the pendant he was carrying around. Yes, he was a shapeshifter of some kind, but what as the tall man talking about?

"Umm... I'm sorry but... what exactly do you mean with 'us'?"

//Kesto +10, anteeksi. Koulu.//
... Kaikkia kinosti.

Viestit: 753
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2012, 17:28

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 06 Marras 2013, 21:56


Aphaderuiondur couldn't help but laugh at the words about the guy that might have been his brother. Annoying people were, well, annoying. How could you argue to that? Though Aphaderuiondur was a chill-out type of a man, he did admit that an annoying person was an excisting thing in his life, too.

The face of Haulokki was as pleasing as most of the faces Aphaderuiondur had seen in his life when he had told his name out loud. "Oh, I see." The blue man smirked in a friendly way and nod a bit.
"I know right, no pressure", he answered with a smile and waved his hand slowly. He couldn't wait for the nickname that would probably start with an A but the rest would be a total mess. Or then he would just be "Apha" once again. He didn't personally like that nickname, but it was the most common one that people used - no wonder of course. Anyway, in his opinion, Apha sounded like an old grandfather. Or even a grandmother.
Haulokki didn't really answer to Aphaderuiondur's question, which was - to be honest - pretty much what he had expected. He just hoped that Haulokki didn't find the question too offensive.
"Okay, so... Don't get me wrong now, I ain't any kind of racist", he started and lifted his hands a bit, just as if he was going to surrender.
"I am a shape-shifter from a family of other shape-shifters. Our family is part of, let's say, a pack of shape-shifters. Thus we are born this way and we have plenty of forms to shape in", he revealed, even though his original plan was to keep the other forms as a secret.
"We look like human beings but there are some things that set us apart from the others, like unusual haircolour or the tattoos we have", he said and pointed out the blue tattoo on his skin.
"It's totally okay for me if you are different, bro. I am just a curious bastard", Aphaderuiondur laughed smoothly and then just waited for the other one's reaction with hands on hips.
"So... Will you be able to tell me something about yourself now?" the topless man persuaded, and the smile on his face didn't fade.

//Kestipäs täälläkin hetken :d Mutta tässä olemme taas!
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Noitarinki » 07 Marras 2013, 23:25

Haulokki smirked at the other's words, oooh, he would make up a nickname or two. He probably wouldn't call the shapeshifter "Tree-man" or anything like that, 'cause that would've been just weird. So yeah, it could take him some time, but he'd figure out something.

"Like Alfie. That's good. There, you're Alfie, now", Joshua said after a short while, seemingly pleased with himself. He looked at the tattooed one when he continued speaking, listening carefully. The younger one nodded when Alfie said that he wasn't a racist, that was always a good thing, he wasn't either. At least he thought so, he usually didn't like most of the people he met,but it had nothing to do with their race or anything like that.

He lifted his dark eyebrows in surprise when the man revealed him stuff about his family and all things, like that he had more than two forms! The Silver willow had been a surprise, but you never knew what people would be ableto do, at least not in Crypt.

So... did Alfie think that he was one of these shapeshifters, too? It would've been a normal thing to think when he had transformed from a raccoon to a man. And he did have unusual hair (and skin, but...) color. Anyway, the younger one laughed a bit, looking a bit sorry.

"A cool family you have there. But I'm sorry to disappoint you, I've never heard of anything like that, sorry." When the other asked him about himself, Haulokki thought for a moment, before nodding again. "What the heck, I might as well tell you."

So he started his story. A quite short story actually. "Well... I'm no natural-born shapeshifter, you know? Believe it or not - most of them don't believe it - but I'm a hundred per cent human. It's just this thing that I found, well, bought, this talisman here", he pointed at the Cambiatio hanging at his neck, "and it gave me the power to change my form to a raccoon. That's also the reason why I look like what I look like. All the grey and black and stuff. And teeth, mustn't forget the teeth!" He grinned again, revealing his sharp fangs among the normal ones. He kind of liked them, had to admit.

"But yeah, that's basically it, hope that helps. Or something." Yep, he liked this guy.

//Eeeipäs mitään .D//
... Kaikkia kinosti.

Viestit: 753
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2012, 17:28

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 08 Marras 2013, 15:52


Alfie. Aphaderuiondur had to laugh when he heard that, but it was perfectly ok! At least it was not Apha, and Alfie did sound like a name of a man. So, Alfie it was then.
"I am Alfie now", Aphaderuiondur repeated after the raccoon boy and nod. Maybe he should start to call Haulokki as Halfie. It would represent him well because he was so small. But how mean would that be! That wasn't nice at all, so Aphaderuiondur didn't say it out loud. Afterall he didn't even know if Haulokki actually had a power to read one's mind, so it wouldn't even matter in that case if he had said it out loud or just thought about it.

Halfie (okay, he promised he wouldn't use that) appeared to be different from the shape-shifters which Aphaderuiondur represented, and that was pretty much what he had thought.
"There's no reason to be sorry, mate. I guess our friendship doesn't require similarity", he responded and shrug his shoulders.
The smaller one told that the talisman he carried around his neck was the source of his powers, and also the reason for his appearance. He was just a natural human with some kind of curse - if you could call that a curse - on him. Grey and black and stuff. But it didn't really matter if you asked Aphaderuiondur, because in his opinion that was actually pretty cool. Haulokki highlighted his teeth, and of course Aphaderuiondur took a look at those. They were pretty impressive, he had to admit, but Haulokki should have seen HIS teeth while he was a maned wolf.
"Pretty impressive indeed", he said out loud then and pointed at Haulokki himself.
"But don't think that this black and grey thing doesn't suit you. I think it looks good on you", the blue man praised and smiled. Of course he couldn't tell if Haulokki would have looked better with normal skin and without black rings around his eyes, but at least for Aphaderuiondur he would maybe have been even more feminine.

Suddenly, a small raindrop hit Aphaderuiondur's nose. He shot a glance at the sky and then another raindrop followed it's friend and hit the man's forehead. The clouds had turned much darker but Aphaderuiondur hadn't even noticed it before now, when the rain was real and a low rumbling echoed somewhere deeper in the Quinn.
"Oh fuck me", the shape-shifter growled and wrinkled his eyebrows. He didn't swear too often, but the rain felt cold and he knew exactly what was going to come next. It was probably only one second from that when the rain started to fall down as a waterfall, and the two men were already soaking wet. Aphaderuiondur's silver and black hair were one colourful mess when he wiped them off from his face. His trousers were like glued against his feet and it didn't feel very comfortable. Luckily there wasn't any shirt to do the same, but the rain felt freezing on his skin.
"Come on, run! Let's find a cover somewhere", Aphaderuiondur shouted over the rain and grabbed Haulokki's elbow for a while just to make him move to the same direction where he was running himself. And that direction was probably just deeper into the woods.
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Noitarinki » 09 Marras 2013, 13:04

The young man smiled as the other laughed at his nickname, though he sounded kinda happy. Yep, Alfie was good. The shapeshifter told him not to be sorry, so Haulokki nod slightly, not bothering his head with that anymore. He smirked as Aphaderuiondur continued, friendship, that was kind of a new word for him, since he actually didn't have that many friends. Guess he was just that kind of person, who was difficult to deal with. At least he could act difficult if he himself didn't like the people he was with. So yeah, it could actually be quite fun to have friends. Friends were good, right?

"Did I ever say that I didn't look good in his?" Haulokki laughed out loud, amused, when the man told him that the colors suited him. "But thanks anyway, your tattoo looks cool, too", he meant what he had just said, though he wasn't the kind of man, who went around telling compliments to others. He didn't want to seem too rude, so why not tell the other the good things in his head?

He too felt a drop of rainwater on his head, and looked up with his bright eyes. He heard Alfie cursing, and isoon The were both in need of dry clothes. Suddenly the man grabbed at his arm, pulling him with him. The younger one stumbled a little before gaining his balance once, again, and started running after Aphaderuiondur, looking for cover.
... Kaikkia kinosti.

Viestit: 753
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2012, 17:28

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 17 Marras 2013, 16:33


It had absolutely been a long time since Aphaderuiondur had last seen such heavy rain. Raindrops were big and made the foliage up above rustle as they hit the leaves. There was probably no dry place in the forest anymore and the deepest little pits seemed to were easily filled with water. Therefore when Aphaderuiondur happened to step into one, his boot was completely filled with water, if it wasn't already. Since the land was mainly soft it was soaking before it's time, and it was hard not to hit these spots which were filled with water and mud. Anyway, Aphaderuiondur did his best trying to avoid these natural pools while he ran through the trees.
In between times Aphaderuiondur had to check whether Haulokki was still following or not, and if he seemed to be too far away, he would decrease his running speed a little. There were seconds when Aphaderuiondur actually though if it was completely useless to look for a cover, because the two men were wet anyway. And then maybe, afterall a small cover would be fine even if they were wet, because it could keep them from falling sick because of cold.

After a while Aphaderuiondur finally stopped and looked out to the rain.
"Here, come, I think I see a cover!" he shouted and continued to the place he was talking to. It was a quite small rock formation that reminded a mix of a cave and a ridge. It surely was too low to stand in, but they would both fit in just fine if they were sitting. The cover was deep enough and far away enough from the ground, so that the rain wouldn't drain in.
Aphaderuiondur waited for his friend and then crawled into the hollow. He felt cold and tired but he was happy for finding a place to stay.
"This should do it for a while..." he sighed and shaked his head like an animal to make his head dryer. In case the water from his head had hit Haulokki, he added a small "sorry" and smirked.
"Are you okay? Feel tired or cold or hurt?" Aphaderuiondur asked then and tried to find possible scratches or other things from Haulokki's body. He didn't know how sustainable the raccoon guy was, but since he looked so thin and small, Aphaderuiondur was suddenly afraid that he had run too fast or hadn't notice his fellow falling down or something like that.
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Noitarinki » 24 Marras 2013, 19:11

He tried to keep his balance in the tricky terrain of the forest. He was used to running on the streets of the city, not out here! Still, the young one did his best to keep up the speed. If nothing else, he didn't want to be left behind. (Okay, he wasn't quite sure if he knew the way back home) Haulokki felt the cold puddles of water and the soft soil under his (almost) bare feet, but didn't complain about it. The raccoon-man sped up a little when he noticed that Aphaderuiondur was checking him from time to time. Oh, he wasn't going to lose to this guy!

Anyway, he was quite glad when the man informed that he had seen a cover somewhere where he himself hadn't looked. Haulokki followed Alfie to the place, under some rocks apparently, and nod when the man spoke again. "Yeah, for a while. Until this collapses on us", he replied, grinning mischievously. He was kind of out of breath, he did a lot of running, but usually there were some people chasing him for a reason or another. And usually they were a lot slower than him, so he didn't have to run this fast. The soaking man sat beside the other, getting more wet when Aphaderuiondur shook his head, though apologised right after. "No problem, wet anyway", he waved his long-nailed hand slightly, wrapping his arms around his knees.

His eyes were gazing outside to the rain when Alfie asked if he was feeling okay. The younger man sighed a little, scratching the back of his head. "I think I'm okay, thanks. I mean, a little tired and cold maybe, but that's not anything new, really. Been through worse. A lot worse." He smirked, opening the band that held his long hair, and started running his fingers through them to straighten them. "Better do this now, or it's gonna be just awful when they're dry." Haulokki laughed a little, looking at the other.

"But how about you? All right after the running?"
... Kaikkia kinosti.

Viestit: 753
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2012, 17:28

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Agna » 29 Joulu 2013, 14:15


"Until it collapses on us." Aphaderuiondur suddenly felt like he should hold the "roof" up in case it was really going to collapse on their necks, but it seemed to be strong enough to do it on its own. The boys - or the men - were both messy, wet and apparently their feet had collected a lot of different kind of plants, mud and sticks along the way. Aphaderuiondur's boots were soaking wet and he would probably have to clean them all night long as soon as he would get back home.
However, Haulokki seemed to be okay. He was tired and cold, and so was Aphaderuiondur, so he understood the younger one. The musician gave a laugh to his words: a lot worse.
"I can just imagine", he sighed and tried to make himself more comfortable in this small rathole. Aphaderuiondur watched silently as Haulokki tried to dry his hair or something similiar to that. He looked a little less like a woman when his hair was loose. Surprisingly enough, the blue man didn't bother to make himself less ugly right now. It was just because he thought there would be no-one in the woods he would have to impress. Haulokki was probably not into guys, but if he was, he had already seen the worst side of Aphaderuiondur's look, which was right now. Aphaderuiondur didn't mind if Haulokki felt like he was awful or awesome, because he personally didn't fall for men. Deep thoughts, deep thoughts.

"I am fine, thank you", Aphaderuiondur answered smiling and drag his bangs in the back, over his head, with his right hand. He didn't add he was cold, hungry, thirsty or tired, because these things were quite obvious at this state.
Been sitting there long enough without saying anything, he opened his mouth again.
"So, seems like the rain won't stop", he started and sighed, gazing somewhere into space. He hadn't remembered the scratches Haulokki had made into his stomache and chest until now, when they were covered in the blend of mud and water and started to sting. Scratches didn't bleed but they were red, and the shapeshifter covered them with his legs he had lifted up next to his chest. He held his hands around the legs.
"We might as well share our darkest sins together here... But let's just start with basics", Aphaderuiondur laughed shortly and squinted his eyes as he pondered.
"Were you born here in Crypt? Or somewhere else? And I am still excited about that talisman, I can't understand how you have come to meet such powers by accident. It's pretty cool", he spoke and was now watching his new friend.

//Elossa taas \o/
"Minä osaan muuten puhua haltiakieltä", Pulla sanoi ja asettui lauluasentoon. "Päivää, kiitos, huomenta, olet karvainen lohkoperuna."

Loryen 1/2
Aberec 0/2
Fred 0/2
Eugene 0/2
Jerrell 0/2
Hiroi 0/2
Aphaderuiondur 0/2
Pulla 0/2
Arasinya 2/2
Levo 2/2

Miten olisi kuutamokävely?
Viestit: 2574
Liittynyt: 06 Kesä 2008, 11:32
Paikkakunta: Kaukainen kuningaskunta

Re: In the not-so-dark woods of Quinn ||Agna~||

ViestiKirjoittaja Noitarinki » 30 Kesä 2014, 20:03

The young man smiled a little when the other one told he was okay. That was good to hear. "That's good", Haulokki said, feeling a little relieved. It wasn't like he had anything for Alfie, but it also wasn't like he wanted the other one to catch a cold or something... Well, they would probably both be sick after this.

He was soon done with his striped hair, and turned to look at the older man beside him. It was nice to have company every once in a while, especially when you were out in the woods, waiting for the rain to stop. He didn't mind the fact that he was sitting here with a complete stranger, though. If Aphaderuiondur would try anything fishy, he could always take his other form and run, run away.

Apparently the blue one was thinking kinda similarly, for he asked about his past and his talisman. Joshua turned his eyes front, laying his chin on his knees. He sighed deeply and nod. "Yeeeah, I was actually born in the city. The human city I mean. My father was a soldier and my mother sold flowers. Probably sells them even now, I don't know", there was a slight tone of bitterness in his voice when he talked about his family, he didn't hate them or anything, but still...

He then thought about the talisman hanging from his neck, and out of a habit grabbed it with his hand, starting to circle his thumb along the glowing stone's surface. "And as for this... Well. I bought it actually. From a salesman in the city. And what can I say, it was cheap and I had the money, so why not? I've kinda always had a thing for pretty jewellery, and look, it's freaking glowing blue!" He showed the stone for his companion, keeping it still out of his reach. He didn't actually mean to, it was just some kind of an instinct he didn't even notice.

"The merchant said she had found this lying on the road somewhere else, and didn't know what it would do, if it would do anything. So she didn't dare to ask much for it. And I bought it. And wore it, because why not. At first it didn't do anything, but one day there was this bunch of bad guys threatening to skin me and stuff, so I panicked and ran. And I must have panicked pretty badly, because the next thing I noticed - I was a raccoon! I'm not completely sure what happened after that, but ever since I've never looked like my old self again." He fell quiet for a moment, thinking a little. Why was he telling him all this? The answer was simple - because Alfie seemed like a good guy. Probably better than he himself had ever been or ever would be.

Haulokki smirked. "Believe it or not, my hair was actually brown before this. And I was otherwise completely normal, too."

//*me matelee paikalle* Häpeän. Niin paljon. Täällä taas. Anteeksi kauheasti kesto... Eihän siinä mennyt kun puoli vuotta. Miten meni se enkun YO-koe?//
... Kaikkia kinosti.

Viestit: 753
Liittynyt: 14 Heinä 2012, 17:28


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